
319 28 5

3 months later

Keats POV

Life for us has changed a bit.  Grey is now working from home as he has a baby bump.  Lucy did take the news of us very well.  She thinks its wonderful that Grey is pregnant and that she will be a grandmother.

We didn't tell Grey about his mother trying to contact her demanding money.  We did however tell him when she died from lung cancer a few weeks back.  He just nodded and asked Lucy if she could have someone arrange for her cremation.

"Love, on the way back can you pick up some more New York cheese cake" Grey asks me 

"Have you finished the tub already?" I ask a little shocked as I just bought two back last night.

"Is there a problem?" he asks back and I can feel his annoyance through our bond.

"No, no problem" I tell him quickly.

"Good, I have to go and read to the pups now" he says happy again.

The pups love it when Grey drops in to the nursery and reads to them.  Grey told me it helps him relax and reassures him a little that everything will be alright.  He is also learning how to change diapers and bottle feed the babies.

The pack love him as he is always willing to listen to their concerns and help out whenever he can.  I'm still living in the mating bubble.  Grey is experiencing strong desire rushes.  Which I'm only to happy to help him out with.

Only last night he shuck his ass at me then once we'd finished.  He had looked at me then took me too.  Not complaints here, no sir.

We have talked to Haley and will either do a C section or if it feels right will let him shift into Shine for her to deliver them.

Griff is over the moon too, we will have our very own pup.  Something we didn't think was possible.

Grey says Conall and Shine are super happy too.  Grey and I have ordered a lot of stuff online for the pup.  We don't know if its a boy or a girl as the sonogram won't work.  Conall thinks its his magic protecting it.  

We also don't know if it will be a wolf or dragon.  We think wolf as a dragon comes from an egg, but we really don't know.

I pick up the phone to make a business call when I feel Grey start to panic.  "Babe, what's the matter?" I ask trying to stay calm.

"Nothing, just having trouble going to the loo properly" he grunts

"Why are you panicking then?" I ask

"Because it hurts" he cries

"OMG! What's that?" I hear him ask

"Its an egg, get it out the toilet" I hear Conall answer.

"OH Shit, sorry baby, Daddy didn't mean for you to, oh hell what am I meant to do with an egg?" Grey panics

"Does this mean they wont be human?" he adds

"No, calm down it just means that this one is a dragon shifter" Conall assures him.

"What am I meant to do with it? I can't sit on it?" Grey asks

"No need just put it somewhere warm" Conall replies

"Do you need me to come home?" I ask

"I don't think, I'll be wanting you to do me tonight, my ass feels sore" Grey says

"I'm coming home" I say standing up and grabbing my things

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