A New Beginning

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Grey POV

"Mum, please don't come again tomorrow! The doctor said, I was not to be stressed and you are stressing me out no end," I say strongly.

"Well, forgive me for caring" she states

"Please just go home already, I'm really tired and haven't been able to sleep much since you got  here!" I beg

"I'm just making sure your comfortable" she argues

"By waking me up within 2 minutes of me falling asleep, fussing with the blankets.  Please Lucy go home!" I urge her.

"Fine, I'll see you just before your operation then" she says giving in finally and picking up her bag and coat.

"Thank you, you know I love you" I tell her

"Yeah, yeah" she gripes as she bends down and kisses my cheek "love you too" she whispers into my ear.

I pat her back and she straightens up, I'll be calling though, for updates" she warns as she leaves the room.

Not long after she has left the doctor comes in "your mother doesn't look happy" he tells me.

"It's for her own good, I know her she will still be trying to do all my work too.  At least tomorrow, she can just concentrate on that" I answer

"I've just had an update, we'll be moving your surgery forward as your not doing so well.  This is just a stop gap until we can find a donor, Grey" he informs me.

I smile up at him and nod my head "I'm good doc, don't worry there is still so much, I've yet to do" I assure him.

He leaves and I close my eyes exhausted.  I was diagnosed with heart problems about 14 months ago.  Now I need a transplant, the thought of taking someone else's heart is a hard one for me as it means someone has to die in order for me to live. 

I let sleep take me and hope that I can hang on a little longer.

Third Person POV

"Your mother doesn't look happy" the doctor says

"It's for her own good, I know her she will still be trying to do all my work too. At least tomorrow she can just concentrate on that" the strong one replies.

"I've just had an update, we'll be moving your surgery forward as your not doing so well. This is just a stop gap until we can find a donor, Grey" the doctor tells him.

"I'm good doc don't worry there is still so much I've yet to do"  he assures him.

"See I told you he was strong, are you ready to do this?" he asks

"I'm dead anyway right, and we need him to look after the pack.  I was never meant to have you anyway" I reply

"You have a great inner strength too, but the pack needs him a little more, sorry" he tells me.

"Alright how should we do this? I've already filled out and carry the donor card.  Are you sure they will give him the heart?" I worry

"Yes, I'm sure.  I need to seal myself in.  You'll feel the right moment, its close. You just need to stay within the hospital" he assures me.

I walk to the waiting area and take a seat.  I feel it when he finishes sealing himself in and then within 5 minutes, I carry out in pain and collapse.

I'm semi coconscious, when nurses and doctors run to see what happened to me.

"Doctor she carry's a donor card and also there is a report from the neurology department stating she has an inoperable brain tumour" I hear someone say.

Lucky OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora