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"Ah..A-choo!" Cordelia squeaked out a sneeze she was trying to force down. She wiped her nose with the blanket that she was bundled up in after changing into dry clothes. Her hair was still wet from the rain and she shivered slightly as she tried to warm up in front of the fire that Levi had set up for her.

Levi glanced at her suspiciously and raised an eyebrow as he walked over with a teapot and two teacups.

She returned his look of suspicion, "What? It was just a sneeze." 

"Just a sneeze?" He set the tray of tea down on the table in front of them and began to pour the warm liquid into the small cups, "Yeah right. You're getting sick," He said without looking at her. He continued to pour the tea. 

Cordelia looked at Levi with a serious expression, "I feel fine." 

Levi sighed as he handed her a cup of warm tea. Steam rose from the contents of the cup as he reached his hand out. Cordelia looked up to face him, his eyes met her tired ones.

"Thanks," She said as she accepted the cup. She cradled it in her hands carefully.

Levi bent down to examine her knee which Cordelia was covering with a pouch of ice, "How is it feeling?" He prodded her knee with his fingers.

"Better. It was just a cramp, nothing to be too worked up about. Just hurt like hell at first." 

"Hm," Levi nodded, "It looks a lot less swollen. You should be fine if you continue to ice it tonight."

" Yeah, thanks-- ACHOO!" She sneezed again, "Dammit..."

"Geez," Levi said with a scornful look as he stood up, "Have you been taking care of your body after training? It doesn't appear so to me."

Cordelia rolled her eyes, "I'm fine. It's just tough right now because I'm trying to get back into shape so fast. I'm pretty much back to my original self though. I've just been more tired than usual."

Levi took a sip from his teacup as he sat on a chair across from her, "You need to eat more. You're becoming frail. That's why you're getting sick."

Cordelia scrunched her face, "I already told you, I'm not si--"

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Cordelia scrunched her face, "I already told you, I'm not si--"

"Not yet you aren't," Levi said with a sigh, "But if you continue pushing yourself too hard outside of our regular training sessions, you will be."

Cordelia was silent. She reluctantly took a sip of tea and avoided his gaze.

"Fine. I'll try and eat more," She said annoyed, "But lately, I've been feeling sick after eating," She admitted, "More specifically in the morning. I think it's from the early training sessions then having to go straight to breakfast." 

Levi raised an eyebrow, "Really? How long has that been happening?"

Cordelia shrugged, "A few days. Five at most now."

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