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Cordelia and Erwin made their way towards the exit of the trail they had their short but sweet reunion on. The sky had melted into a complete blanket of stars, the moon shined brightly above them. Erwin led the way, Cordelia followed close behind. 

The last thing I need is for rumors of me sneaking out to meet a woman at night to take over the Barracks... Erwin thought to himself. This maneuver would be a tricky one to explain if he were to be caught. He still didn't know Cordelia's exact reasoning for her being alive to be secret, he trusted she had a good reason. For now, Erwin decided, nobody was to know the truth. 

As the two planned to pass the stable, a hooded figure stepped out in front of Erwin.

Shit. Erwin immediately felt a bead of sweat drip down his temple.  He stopped, hoping the figure would realize it was the Commander and scurry along back to their quarters. He couldn't tell who the person who halted him was due to the darkness.

Erwin cleared his throat and stepped slightly so he covered Cordelia behind him as he spoke,

"It's late, Soldier. You should--"

"Care to explain where you decided to mosy to in the middle of the night, Erwin?" 

Erwin recognized the voice immediately.


The hooded figure stepped into the moonlight.

The hooded figure stepped into the moonlight

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"You're right, it is late. What are you doing? More like..." Levi glanced behind Erwin, "Who are you with?" He raised an eyebrow at the sight of Cordelia, examining her.

Cordelia shuddered at the sight of Levi. He took his hood off to reveal his whole face. Fair skin and raven black nicely trimmed hair. His eyes cold and gray, his face stern, glaring up at Erwin.

Levi? The Levi? Humanity's strongest soldier Levi? Crap, she thought. My identity is screwed. 

She had heard about him in rumors previously but had never seen him this close before. Hitch would be so jealous, she thought.

Erwin sighed. He knew there was no point trying to evade Levi's wits.

"Levi, this is CC." Erwin stepped slightly to the side, "She's our spy infiltrating the Military Police forces for us. Without her, we wouldn't have gotten this far on Annie and the Walls. She's here to assist with verifying the breach when we get word from Hange." 

"Interesting," Levi said, "Why didn't the Military Police send more of their dogs as well, then? Since there are multiple squads assisting us, they would have sent them as a group." It was obvious he was highly suspicious. 

Cordelia felt chills go down her neck but kept composure.

"I requested to go early. It isn't difficult to fool the so-called 'dogs' you speak of." Cordelia spat his words back at him, "I needed to speak with Commander Erwin about the situation at hand. It's currently dire. The Interior is afraid of the people knowing something. Every second counts right now." She glared at him through the moonlight. 

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