The Tape

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((this might be bad so im sorry-))

Henry stared at the ink demon, climbing from the back of the throne.
"Heh this never changes- you always want the tape" Henry laughed with a wink, this was all amusing now, the loop, he had been here millions of times and the pain, the fear, the sadness he felt for everyone stuck here, it was all just... funny? Perhaps he was losing his mind, perhaps he already had, if your stuck in a endless nightmare surely you would break eventually, but thats not what we're here for now, are we?

"All you want, all you need" Hendy laughed waving the tape in front of the demons face, mocking it "to forever live is in MY HANDS" The demon continued as it would, never stopping to listen to the chaotic man.
"It's so funny it hurts!" Henry laughed harder, feeling his world crack and break, feeling him lose another part of himself again, he went silent... "take it" He held the tape in front of the demon, it looked at him, then back at the tape... the demon snatched the tape fast, not letting Henry pull it away... Henry was silent.
"You... noticed me..." Henry gasped... silence, The demon stared at the weird man, what now? would he kill henry... no... "You changed everything-"

more silence, Henry smiled, chuckled even.
"Kill me why don'tcha?" He stared at the demon, it shaked it's head, then sunk back down below the throne... Henry fell silent... then he felt fear rise up in him.
"No- I- can't do this again!" He turned towards the large door "I can't take a new route again, at least in the original loop nothing could hurt me... what if I broke it!" He felt himself walking, fast walking, faster and faster until he was basically in a sprint "what if i can die now, what if everyone can die, will i never see boris again? Or sammy? or will they come back fucking worse than ever, what if Alice and Tom-"

He stopped, reaching the edge, where the metal machine met the cold wet ink.... silence...
"Henry!" Allison cheered from across the black pool of ink "Did you do it!!! Is the demon gone?" 
Henry looked up, snapping him out of he thoughts, then down at the ink... the ink... the fucking ink... 
"I fucking hate ink..." Henry mumbled as he climbed into the pool and began wading towards Allison and Tom. 

"uh Henry?" Allison tried again "Is it?"... silence, finally Henry reached them and he was pulled out of the ink. Henry stood up wiping the ink from his trousers. Tom looked at him... with a confused glare tilting his head like any other dog would do. Henry looked up from the ground and up at them with sorrow, he felt bad for them... now they could go through even more torture...
"it's not dead is it?" Allison looked at Tom worried, Tom just growled, a growl not directed at anyone, just at this new future.
"I'm sorry I didn't expect it to actually..." Henry couldn't explain it... how could he explain that the loops they knew nothing about led him to believe nothing would change to the point where he literally gave the demon the tape back. 

Tom's growl grew louder... now clearly directed at Henry. 
"Tom..." Allison grabbed him by the shoulder, tugging him lightly, making him stop and look at her "what do we do now... it feels like we've never been more lost till now... the future... I-" Allison's voice sounded weary and shaky, making Henry feel guilty. Tom let out a sigh and hugged the poor angel, wrapping his arms around her in defeat. Henry looked at them... feeling a overwhelming sadness, he remembered the first loop, all his experiences, the sadness he felt for the lost ones, the fear he felt towards- well... everything, maybe now... he could change things.  Yeah... he could change things, this could be a good thing, for the first time since the beginning of this hell he felt hope. 

"What now?" Henry asked casually, almost relaxed. Both Allison and Tom stared at him for moment, then Allison spoke up.
"We should... go back to the safehouse... see if it's still a... safe house" She sighed and Tom gave her a nod. ((imma just call it a safehouse cause i cant find anywhere that says it has a name so...)) Henry looked behind him one last time, and for a moment he swore he saw the ink demon, standing at the edge of the machine... just watching him, but within a blink of the eye, it was gone and Henry shrugged it off.
"Hey Henry? Ya coming?" Allison asked standing at the exit.
"uh yeah... yeah" He sighed turning and beginning walking.

Ink demon pov (( i hope this doesnt turn out cringey ;-;))

The Ink demon watched the human, his interactions with the angel and the wolf were... interesting to say the least... somehow he remembered these loops, everytime the human reached the machine, the end, a part of him was gone, and the demon... Bendy remembered. he remembered every loop, watching the man fall deeper into insanity... watching him lose hope, he knew things had changed... but for the better or worse? Bendy jumped as the man turned to face him and quickly sank into the ground... silence... he didn't see him? Bendy raised from the ground, from his ink... And began limping into the machine and past the throne. 

Each step was painful, but he was use to it by now.
Finally he reached the walls behind the throne, each littered with writing, he turned and began tracing his fingers on one exact wall.
"Henry" the ink read, he turned to another wall and began writing "I'm sorry"... he finished and stared at it... perhaps if he left notes on the wall, the human would see them, Henry would see them. 

He never wanted to hurt the human, but he had to... he couldn't let him end this... he could let him save them. Anger built up in him, and then pain, he leaned against the wall in despair. Despite what he had, this was hell for him too, he never asked to exist, and yet, he did... he hit the wall hard with his gloved hand, letting out some anger, his crooked smile weakening... calming... into a straight face... he sunk... not into the ink but down on to the floor, on to his knees... then looked up at the wall... why did he drag them all down with him?

((yes Bendy doesn't have to always smile in this book... mostly cus i wanna spend most of this book with Henry and Bendy communicating with body language and having a face that can show emotion would help. also #simpathyforthedemon where my bendy protectors at? we need to protect this precious... uh... tall evil demon- xD))

Again and Again and Again {Henry x Bendy} {completed}Where stories live. Discover now