ch 6

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sorry i completely forgot about this story, but now i remember sooo have a chapter! its a short chapeter but still a chapter!
TW mentions of self harm

Percy pov

I look down to see a sight that made my heart break, Nico had blood running down his arm a knife in his hand ready to cut again. He looked up at me like a deer caught in headlights. I can't think of anything to say I sit next to him and pull him close "Nico... god I'm so sorry" I hug him tight, I feel him shaking and tears running into my shirt, I don't mind. Nico drops the knife and clings to me, I've never seen him like this, so delicate and open. After awhile he stopped sobbing and I realized he'd fallen asleep. I pull him into my arms and stand up slowly carrying him bridal style, I kick the blade in a bush and start walking to his house, where I was heading anyway.
I have to admit, Nico did look pretty cute sleeping in my arms curled against me. I wipe his tears off his face and whisper "You're ok neeks."
When I arive at his house I kick gently on the door.

"Hey Perce... oh my god is he ok?" Jason asked as he opened the door.

"I'll explain once I get him to his room." I answer, Jason nods and lets me in. I go to Nicos room and gently set him down on his bed, I pull a blanket over him and kiss his forehead softly, "Sleep well Neeks."

"So what happened?" Jason asked as soon as I got down stairs. I explain how I'd taken the shortcut to get here and seen Nico sitting in a bush and what he'd been doing, how I'd hugged him and he'd fallen asleep. "He said he was going to Leos.." Jason sighed. "I should call dad." 

"I can call him."I offer, knowing Jason hated talking to his dad.

"Ok.. thanks. I'm gonna check on Nico."

"Don't. He's fine, watching him is weird, go do homework." My best friend spends way to much time worried about his brother. Jason sighs and nods he goes to his room and I call his dad.

Nico pov

I wake up in my room, my arm stung. I looked at it and cursed as I saw the dried blood. Percy caught me... did he carry he me home? and.. put me in bed?  I go to the bathroom to wash it off and clean it. I'd be made to so why not just now. I start to head back to my room but I hear a voice in the hallway downstairs.

"No sir, Jasons fine but Nico" Percy paused to hear something "Your second son sir, he.."
Percys trying to talk to my dad about me, ha good luck. dad hardly knows I exist. I sit on the stairs, hidden in the shadows to hear the conversation.
"Mr. Grace, please I need to talk to you about your son... no not Jason! Jasons doing fine, Nico is still in therapy and he's getting worse... Yes sir he's self harming again. and getting nightmares"
Percy paused and I noticed his face getting angry, honestly I'm not sure what he thought would happen, dads never here, he calls Jason once every few months, but I haven't a really conversation sence the last time he was home, which was thanksgiving, over 6 months ago, and even that he wasn't genuine. He put on a show for us, acting nice and a good parent but he doesn't even know what that is.
Down stairs Percy was trying to keep his cool and not yell at my dad, even though he has it coming.
"Not to be disrespectful sir but maybe if you spent more time with your sons Nico wouldn't be struggling so much." I guess my dad hung up sense Percy took his phone from his face, he mumbled something and turned to go up stairs but he saw me. "Nico... you're awake..."

"And you were talking to my dad." I note as he comes and sits by me.

"You heard that... how long were you there?"

"Long enough to see you want to punch a wall. Go ahead by the way, no one cares if you do."

Percy chuckled and unclenched his fists "I'm fine. How are you?"

"Fine. You brought me home? Did I fall asleep?"

"Yeah, how's your arm?" I roll up my sleeve, showing him its cleaned. "Good, Nico I know I'm just your older brothers friend but please, I care about you. If you need anything come talk to me. come tell me. I don't want you hurting."  I look down, Percy care about me, I guess I already knew that but him saying it was diffrent, it didn't help with what we're talking about but it was still nice, maybe Leo was right.

"Thanks Percy"

"Can I hug you?" He asked, "I know you're not a hugger but I am..." I nod and Percy hugs me, it was nice, for once I felt safe and didn't want to pull away.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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