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okay yeah- i know, ive defo not got high hopes for this, but i hope you enjoy anyway.

and yes i already have a book thats only half done, but i really wanna write this, cause i noticed alot of these bendyxhenry... bendy is yandere and obsessive, and half the time henry has no consent or he agree's to the relationship out of defeat and honestly as someone who has a best friend who has had junked up stuff happen to them, i dont wanna come online and read abt it like its a normal thing, so here's a list of rules imma try to stick to:

1. no smut

2. bendy is actually not gonna be that much of a jerk, maybe a hint of yandere, but not the he's mine yandere just the nobody hurt him yandere.... there are 2 types of yandere's in this world, a sammy, and a bendy xDDD

3 no *bleeeeeeeeep* or *Bleeeeeeeep* ANd benDys NoT gOnNA *bleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep* 

4 henry deserves a say in things

5 keep it sweet

im mostly writing this for my self so-
yeah bye my little sheeps... Now ive got sammy's song in my head :'<

Again and Again and Again {Henry x Bendy} {completed}Where stories live. Discover now