The Devil's weakness

Start from the beginning

I felt his body clench against mine and he pushed it closer, letting me get a very clear idea of what's happening down there.

Once I realized what I did, I felt the shame creeping inside my brain once again.

I'm so tired of this! He comes here uninvited, he teases me all day long, and he always knows how to touch me and what to do to get me high and needy! Ugh! He's so annoying!

Well, there is a way to get him back but I don't know if you could pull it off, Kara said.

"You were saying?" Lucifer spoke up beside my ear, making me shiver again.

This is Hades' realm all over again but I'm listening.

Yes! If you wanna pull this off you have to be extremely confident, own your body, and don't hide it! Just ignore that fact that you are naked, go sit down and tell him to talk! Simple enough?

Kara you evil bitch! I mentally smiled at her plan, as I thought of what to say next.

Okay, Eliana focus! Confidence!

I suddenly turned around, looking up, and came face to face with Lucifer's magnificent face. His face was extremely and un-earthly beautiful. It even pained me to watch such a pretty creature. I breathed heavily, puffing my chest out as I looked deep into his beautiful ocean eyes.  His eyelids were somewhat droopy as he stared back at me, which made him look so much sexier.

Now now, calm down, you have a plan, Eli!, Kara's voice was the only thing that kept me from pouncing on him and satisfying my growing need for him.

I dropped my hands on my sides, exposing every inch of my body to his thirsty eyes, but he didn't even glance down. Instead, his eyes remained in mine, looking down at me with his hard stare.

Is he onto me? Already?

No, just continue!

With my most neutral and innocent face, I leaned my head on the side, still looking up at his beautiful eyes.

"You're right." I said innocently and ducked to the side, passing by him and heading for my bed with fake but convincing enough confidence.

I sat down on the edge of my bed and slowly turned to look at him. His body was still facing my wardrobe but his head had followed my movements. He looked kind of surprised as he turned around, putting his hands inside his pockets.

I only just realized that he wasn't wearing what he wore before.

Why did he change? Where was he? Was he with someone?

My nostrils flared and my face darkened as the thought of Lucifer being with someone else passed through my mind. I tried to relax my nerves and hold my temper, as he slowly walked towards the bed. I cracked my neck by leaning my head on the side and looked sternly at him.

"Talk." I said with an almost angry expression. My anger was building dangerously fast, as sadness and rage took over my heart and mind.

Hey, calm down...He probably just changed..., Kara softly said. I ignored her completely.

Deciding not to mess my plan up, I tried to calm down by taking two deep breaths.

"Don't you wanna get dressed first?" He said, looking very intrigued by my attitude. His eyebrows were slightly pulled together on his forehead, as his eyes burned through my naked body. He finally gave in and his eyes fell on my body, drinking me up and memorizing it. I felt the satisfaction as a soft smirk formed on my lips.

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