"Took you long enough." Hanji huffed, plopping herself down as well. She then slid a wooden knife down the table and to Levi. "Let's sing happy birthda--" 

"Don't even try." Levi rejected.

"Come on." Hanji pouted, frowning. "Please?" 


"Happy birthday to you..." Kenny sang out of tune. "Happy birthday to you..." 

"Happy birthday dear Rivaille... Happy birthday to you!!" 

"Look at you, growing up so fast." Kenny smirked, patting young Levi's back. "One of these days, yer gonna be taller than me." 

"Go ahead then, kid." Kenny spoke, gesturing to the candles on Levi's cake. "Make yer wish." 

Levi squinted his eyes as he blowed 11 candles out in one strong puff. 

"What'd ya wish for?" Kenny inquired, eating a slice of the cake with his hands. 

"It's a secret." Levi responded, placing a finger over his lips knowingly. 

"Tch." Kenny chuckled, curios. 


"No, Hanji." Levi spoke in his slightly deeper tone he used for intimidating. "Don't make me say it again." 

"Alrighty then." Hanji stammered, looking off and to her side. "Go ahead and try the cake then! Don't be shy." 

"Tsk." Levi scoffed, gently smiling afterwards. 

It had been months since Levi had pressed a blade into a pastry, and years since he'd done so to a cake on his birthday. As he scanned his surroundings,  he was pleased to see his friends laughing and conversing lightheartedly. Once his gaze landed on Erwin, the commander flashed a quick smile before eyeing the cake implicitly. 

Levi, instead of taking the foremost slice for himself as tradition called for, divided the cake into twelve thin slices, and served Erwin first. Then, he granted Mike and Hanji their shares. Levi gave himself his own food last. This gesture was a silent expression of gratitude twoards his friends. 

"Go ahead, try it!" Hanji smiled, awaiting Levi's reaction to her baking. 

"Calm down." Levi replied, wiping down his fork. "I'm going."

Levi then did as he spoke, cutting out a piece from the slice with fork and knife. This was not the customary way to consume cake, and so he received intrigued glances from Mike and Hanji. Erwin paid not much mind to the captain's mannerisms, having been accustomed to them. 

Finally, Levi tasted the pastry. The cake was moist and spongey, yet not soggy as one would expect. The texture was unique; Levi had never tasted anything quite like it before. On top of that, Hanji noted what Levi's favorite flavors were, and incorporated both into the dish.

"Lemon and Vanilla." Levi spoke shortly, nodding somewhat. "Not bad, Hanji. It's eatable." 

"Eee!! I'm so happy you liked it!!" Hanji squealed, a faint blush spreading across her cheeks. 

"Yeah. It's good Hanji." Mike smiled, chuckling at Hanji's childish reaction. 

"I enjoyed it as well." Erwin complemented, neatly arranging silverware atop his cleared plate. 

"Present time!!" Hanji practically yelled, startling the three men seated across from her. 

"Loud." Levi complained shortly, hovering the tips of his fingers near his earlobe. 

Walls Surrounding his Heart {|Eruri|}Where stories live. Discover now