“I didn’t know you exercised on vacations,” Brett said. He smiled, showing off his white teeth.

I laughed. “I don’t. It was Ali’s idea.”

He looked behind him as he backed out of the driveway and started driving to wherever it was we were going.

“So, where are we going?” I asked

“Do you really, really want to know?” Brett teased.

“Yes, I really, really want to know,” I teased back.



“You’ll have to wait and see!”

“No! I wanna know nnooowwww,” I whined like a little kid.

“Babe, you have to wait.” He called me babe! I had a good feeling about this date…

“I don’t want to wait…will you please please please tell me?”


“Please with a cherry on top?”

“Okay, okay. I’ll tell you. Seaside.”



“I have a question.”

“What is it?”

“One; is this a date? And two; are we like, dating?”

“Technically, that’s two questions,” he looked over and playfully grinned at me. “One; only if you want it to be. And two; only if you want to.” He looked at me again and gave me a smile.

“That would be nice,” I said, blushing.

“I love it when you blush,” Brett commented, only making me blush more.

We drove for a while, talking and laughing. I knew I could easily get used to that, just being with him. Eventually Brett told me when we were there.

Once he parked, he led me around the town to a restaurant called Bud & Alley’s. I’d been to Seaside before, but I’d never heard of the restaurant. 

We ordered and when our food came, we ate, and we talked the whole time. When the bill came, I insisted I pay, but Brett refused. I eventually said he could pay, and he was pleased. I wanted to do some shopping, and he did good about not complaining. He said he wanted to take me to the beach before we left, so I had let him lead me there.

I had taken my flip flops off and held them once we were walking in the sand. We just walked in the sand awhile, holding hands, until we were interrupted.

“Brett? Brett!” I heard a girl’s voice say. I turned and saw a gorgeous brunette running towards us.

“Hey, Heather,” Brett said nervously. His smile had gone away. Heather kissed him on the cheek and gave him a hug. “This is my friend, Elizabeth.” He gestured towards me.

“Hi,” I said.

“Nice to meet you,” Heather said in a British accent and stretched her hand out to shake mine. I noticed the way she clung to Brett’s shoulder with her other hand and didn’t let go, even when she shook my hand, and she completely ignored that fact Brett and I were still holding hands. And I didn’t like it one bit.

“You can just call me Beth,” I said uncomfortably.

“Cool,” she said, then looked over at Brett.

“Beth and I are kind of dating,” Brett said. I don’t like when he said kind of. I didn’t like Heather either, if we were talking about things we didn’t like.

To Be Mine (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now