Chapter 7.

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"What you're not gonna say anything?" Bright mocked.

Win didn't know what to do. All these years he never knew Bright could be so scary, the tension in the room made Win feel small. And he's never felt small before.

Bright, not waiting for an answer, grabbed Win and tossed him on the bed as he hovered over him.

Wins heart sped up.

I am not letting this twink push me around.

Win started thrashing around and laying punches on Bright's chest, but Bright didn't move. He stayed silent and watched the younger until he calmed down.

"GET THE FUCK OFF OF ME!" Win screamed.

"You want that?" Bright asked.

Win hesitated before he answered

"You hesitated"

"I don't care get off of me, I don't like you near me or touching me"

Bright smiled as he looked over the younger.

"You're hard"

Wins eyes widened. He didn't want to believe it he didn't want to know, but he felt his pants get tighter as he layed under Bright.

Bright leaned down to align his mouth with Wins ear.

"Do you want me to help you?"

Win blinked and gulped down his saliva.
I am not going to give in, But damn does this feel so goo.

"No. Get off of me." Win warned weakly. But Bright didn't move an inch. He pushed himself down on top of Win and started kissing his neck.

"W-What..." Win whispered.

"Don't lie Win" Bright said taking his head out from Win's neck. "You've been wanting me like I've been wanting you."

"T-Thats not t-true" Win breathed out.

But the truth was Bright was right. All Win could think about after the first time they kissed was Bright, and how he wanted him to kiss him again.

Win would never admit it but he craved for Bright, he wanted him to dominate him as he did before.

"Bright, please just get o-off me. I don't know what you want." Win cried.

"Look at me and say it then."

"Say what?" When asked , still without looking the other in the eye.

"Say you don't want me." Bright answered.

Win gulped again. He was trying to get the courage to look at Bright, to tell him he didn't want him. But Win wasn't much of a liar he was always able to get out of situations before he had to lie. If he lied he wouldn't look the person in the eye.

Win, deep down, wanted to tell the truth but he was scared. He bullied Bright for 2 years straight. Called him names, beat up him, made his life hell. And now after a small kiss, the older was all over him. Win questioned his actions.

"Win," Bright said softly and it made Wins heart flutter.

"Why are you doing this?" Win asked "I've hurt you for years! Why are you trying so hard for this? Don't you hate me?"

"I-" Bright sighed as he got off of Win.
"I'll grab my stuff and go. " Bright unlocked the door and ran out the room.

Win laid there looking at the door. He missed the warmth Bright gave to him but he was too stubborn to admit it.
After a minute of staying in his room, he looked out his window and saw Bright walking down the sidewalk.

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