Chapter 6

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After the library incident, the two didn't talk about it. It didn't matter to Bright he was just happy to be there for Win. On the plus side, he was going to see Win after school anyways.

Bright was in his last class for the day. He lowkey wished he would've just skipped it so he could be with Win, but he found out they younger had gone home early.

He mentally groaned when he heard that. Bright wanted to check on him to make sure he was okay.

Bright had never seen Win look so vulnerable.

He went to the library during lunch to organize, clean, and put up new books. When he got to the back of the library, in the corner he heard soft crying. Bright didn't want to be rude, but the person could've been hurt. So he went to the small roomy corner only to see Win crying in his sleep.

Win then started stirring and crying harder. That's when Bright decided to wake him up.

A part of him wondered why he started to care so much for Win but deep down he already knew the answer

Finally, after a long hour of waiting, the bell for the release of the student came on.

Bright hurriedly made his way to the front gate, he wanted to say goodbye to Mew before he left for Wins.

"Hey buddy" Mew greeted as he came from behind Bright
"Were you waiting for someone?" Mew teased

"Yes, you." Bright blankly said, "thought I'd let you know I won't be home again."

"Really? Again? Where are you going?"

"Remember, I told you I have this project with Win" Bright reminded

That cause Mew to have a wider smile on his face, and just with excitement.

"Man oh man" he exclaimed "my ship is sailing"

Bright rolled his eyes to then thump Mew's forehead. Mew let out a small whine as he rubbed the bruised spot.

"There is no ship, we are there to study nothing else" Bright truthfully told. But honestly, he hoped something would happen. It wouldn't have to be big, maybe they could hold hands or cuddle.

"Yeah right, I see the look in your eyes, you want more. Should've known it since you're the one who kissed him" Mew snorted

It's true. Mew knew about the whole thing. He is Brights Best Friend after all, why wouldn't he tell him?

"Look I respect Win, even though he's beat me up a couple of times he is still a person, and I have to respect what he wants" Bright explained

"Okay okay, but at least kiss him on the cheek before you leave his house today. Leave him wanting more of you " Mew told

"Whatever man, I need to go. I'll see you tomorrow"

With that, the two boys split ways.

15 minutes of walking and Bright finally made it to Wins place. He knocked on the door only to have it opened immediately.

It was Mr. Opas . He had his phone in one hand and his briefcase in the other. He smiled wide when he saw it was Bright at the door.

"You're back!" He cheerfully said

Bright laughed "well I'll be coming over for a while until the project is done"

"Let's hope even after that you'll still come around" Mr. Opas implored
"Today is the first time I've heard Win mention your name" Mr. Opas smiled wider.

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