Chapter 1.

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~for new readers, it came to my attention that the chapters are in the wrong places. So please, if youre reading this book pay attention to the numbers. I have no idea what with wattpad, it was not doing this before. Anyways make sure to enjoy💕💕~

It was another day of walking home covered in bruises. Bright was limping as he made his way to the front door.

Once inside he realized his mom wasn't home, he went in the kitchen to grab an ice pack. When he opened the freezer he saw the note his mom left.

Dear bright

I know that stupid metawin kid probably did a number on you today, so I froze a couple extra for you. I'm so sorry me going to the principal's office made it worse for you, next time I'll just make sure to listen. There's dinner in the fridge(made your favorite). I'll be home late tonight so leave the door unlocked.


Bright smiled bitterly at the note. For 2 years Bright's mom had been trying to do something about the infamous Win Metawin, but nothing ever worked. All that did was get Bright beaten more.

Since his second year of high school, Bright had been a victim of Win Metawins constant bullying.

At first, the two never crossed paths. Until one day when Bright was a sophomore, he was making his way to the library when he didn't watch where he was going, he bumped into someone, which caused Bright to fall hard on his ass.

The person he bumped into was no other than Metawin, they stared at each other for what felt like hours until Win picked up a book and threw it at Brights head.

The words he spoke that day Bright never forgot

"A small twink like you should watch where the fuck their going"

Bright hated Win after that, and himself. As years went by Bright started working out more, but he never fought back when it came to the bullies, he knew that's what they wanted.

Bright was an introvert, he didn't have many friends except for one, Mew.

They have been friends since the day Bright first interacted with Win. Mew helped Bright up after Win threw the book at his head.

Bright layed on his bed rubbing the ice pack on his now bruised stomach.
"Gosh I hate that fucker" Bright said to himself. Soon he fell into a deep slumber.


Bright shot up from his bed and looked at the time. He groaned loudly. This was the second time this week he overslept.

After doing his usual morning routine, bright placed his uniform on and ran downstairs.

He was greeted by his mom's warm smile, only for the smile to go away and turn into a worried look.

"Mom I'm fine I promise" Bright reassured her, sure the punch Win gave him in the mouth probably bruised by now.

"I'm so sorry baby, I wish I could help you change schools but we just don't have the money for it" Bright moms cried. Bright pulled her into a hug and kissed her on her head
"Mom, I can handle him, I just choose not to fight back remember?"

"Well then you need too and then maybe he'll leave you alone, I still don't know why that kid bothers you, you're fucking huge"

Bright laughed lightly and let go of his mom.

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