Themyscria: Part 1

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"Yes! I have won again! I guess fighting alongside men has made you soft!" Kiah told her sister Diana as she held her sword against her neck. 

"I am not soft. You have always been the better swordswoman. Do not play me for a fool, you already know this." Diana said smiling and slowing pushing the sword against her neck away with her right hand. 

"I do know this. And you are no fool." Kiah raised her sword the rest of the way away from Diana and placed her sword into it's holster on her left hip. "Shall we be done for the day? I am starving!" 

"As am I." Diana placed her sword into it's holster as well and walked beside her sister Kiah towards the dining hall. 

"I am happy you are back. It's not the same here without you. Do you plan to stay long?" Kiah asked her sister while placing her tray of food down and taking a seat in the dining hall. 

"The land of men is my home, but so is Themyscira. I will return, but not just yet. I believe my little sister is in need of some bonding time." Diana replied taking a sip of her wine. 

"I believe mother is more in need of bonding time with you. All she does is talk of you. It's as if I don't exist to her sometimes..." 

"You exist to her. I believe you to be her favorite child." Diana said with a soft smile.

"Not possible. You are a hero. I am just... well I am just me." 

"You are more than just you. We are the power of both the queen of the amazons and Zeus himself. We are the same. Mother knows this. Give her time." Diana took her sisters hand and squeezed it lightly. Kiah was only two years younger than her older sister, but sometimes it felt like centuries. Diana had traveled the world, seen things other than just the island they grew up on. They were the only children to be gifted to Themyscira in centuries, and yet Diana always seemed to be favored over Kiah. There was never any real competition between the two of them. They were equal both in beauty and strength. They looked almost exactly alike even, except Kiah had hazel eyes and Diana had brown. 

That evening Diana and Kiah were walking to their living quarters when an odd blue light caught their eye from the east shore of the island. They cautiously walked towards the light then stopped abruptly when the light flickered suddenly and disappeared. And in it's place lay a man gagged and handcuffed and screaming through his bonds rather obnoxiously. He had cuts and bruises on his face and his eyes were wide. 

Diana and Kiah drew their swords and looked to each other with confusion on their faces. 

"Is this a man? I haven't seen one up close sense Steve..." Kiah said to Diana. Trying to be sensitive to her feelings about her late lover. 

"It is. Although I do not recognize this one." Diana replied. 

"Who are you!? How did you get here!?" Diana asked the man. 

"He cannot speak sister. His mouth is gagged." Kiah said while hesitantly using her right hand to crush and remove the metal gag device on the mans face. It was some sort of odd technology she had never seen before, but she was easily able to forcefully disable it. She still held her sword in her other hand to be cautious. 

"Answer my questions!" Diana said. 

The man wiggled his jaw back and forth then took several breaths in and out. "Thank you! That awful contraption was cutting off my air supply. I am Loki, God of Mischief. True air to the throne of Asgard. And who are you? Tall beautiful women on a remote island... is this what mortals call heaven?" Loki spoke. He had a unique accent and a cocky attitude. 

"God? I know the names of the Gods and none of them are Loki." Kiah said pointing her sword at Loki's chest. 

"You must assist me. I was just about to be imprisoned when the Tesseract gifted me an escape. But it brought me here. Wherever here is. I wish to leave at once! For the love of Odin, ASSIST ME!" Loki was attempting to remove his bonds on his wrists but to no avail. 

"Tesseract? Odin? What are you talking about!?" Diana nearly shouted at the man, then looked to her sister heavily confused.

"We must bring him to mother. She will know what to do." Kiah looked to Diana, who nodded in agreement. 

Diana and Kiah gripped Loki by either of his arms and hoisted him to his feet. They practically dragged him to the Amazon warrior palace where their mother would be waiting for them. She always sensed when her daughters needed her. And tonight was no exception.

"Mother! We found a man on the east shore of the island. He claims to be a God." Kiah said while her and Diana threw Loki to his knees in front of their mother who sat on her thrown. 

"And who might you be? You are certainly no God. But I do sense great power within you... tell me; are you here to harm us?" Queen Hippolyta said looking at Loki like he was the scum of the earth. 

"I don't even know where this is! I am Loki, God of Mischief. True air to the throne of Asgard, and I DEMAND YOUR ASSISTANCE!" Loki spat at the queen. 

"You demand? Puny God." Queen Hippolyta said standing from her throne. She walked towards Loki and stopped right in front of him. She looked him over and examined his bruised face. "Your face... God's don't bleed." She said then turning towards her daughters. "Take this MAN to a cell. I shall deal with him after I have rested." 

"Yes mother." Both Diana and Kiah said bowing their heads slightly to their queen.

"Cell!? You cannot imprison me! I need to leave!" Loki screamed as Diana and Kiah dragged him towards the doorway of the prison cells in the palace. 

After shoving Loki into a cell Kiah broke apart his bonds on his wrists and then turned and locked the cell door. She turned once more as she was leaving the prison and saw a look of desperation on Lokis face. She couldn't help feeling bad for him. But she didn't know why. 

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