The Line You Crossed

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"You lied to me."

"I did not." She spoke softly. "Childe told me that there is a way to undo the damage. There is a way for you and your brother to return back to your normal selves. We could even save the recruits...!"

You felt like you could cry until morning, nothing Lumine was saying was making anything better. Was this... not the person you were? If so, this mind-control, hypnosis, brainwashing is too powerful to be done by anyone. No one across Teyvat should have this type of advantage over anyone, even the Fatui Harbingers. It's just inhumane, unethical, so cruel.

"No one must know... it's a Fatui secret..." You murmured miserably. "Mind-controlling the soldiers... Everyone... It's for the perfect military army..."

"Paimon thinks we should just leave her alone..."

"I think so too..."

A solemn tear fell from your eye as you raised your gun to your head.

"Eek!" Paimon jumped.

"No!" Lumine stopped you. "Let's not do anything crazy!"

"I betrayed the Fatui and my Lord Scaramouche. There's no point in living any longer."

"Please don't...!" She pleaded. "I don't want you to hurt yourself any more than you are hurting now! I know it's painful, but I believe that you can continue without him. You're not under his control anymore, you're safe with us!"

Emotionless, you let your body slouch in defeat, "I just want to go home... I want to go back to my family..."

"I-I can ask a close friend of mine if you could board her ship back to Snezhnaya?"

You shook your head, "It's too early for that... The moment I step into my nation, I'll be torn to bits by every Fatui member there... Maybe even the Harbingers will put my head on a stick in front of the base camp..."

Lumine glanced around and finally, snapped her fingers in realization, "I have an idea, [Y/N]. We'll hide you in Liyue Harbour until this whole thing blows off. Then, I'll ask Captain Beidou if she could take you back home!"

It wasn't the best plan, but you couldn't think of anything else. For now, you wiped your tears and calmed your beating heart.

As the girl helped you to your feet, she gave you a warm smile in attempts to cheer you up. Both of you started the journey down the dirt road, Lumine's floating companion tagged along as well.

"We're still a ways from the Harbour, but I'm sure we'll be there in a day." Lumine placed her hand over her eyebrows and stared forward. "Come on, let's meet up with the rest of my party at the rendezvous-point!"

You sighed tiredly, "I still have doubts... I don't want to interfere with your team's travelling..."

"Don't worry, you guys will get along! Plus, I'm sure you met the three of them already!"

"Yep! Paimon thinks so too!"


Scaramouche was sitting slouched on a chair, his face in his hand as he stared aimlessly past his fingers. There was a small tapping sound on the armrest as he continued to ponder deeply.

Back in another Fatui campsite in a different location, soldiers were getting ready to head out for their newest mission. Their old one was to go to Dragonspine, however, it was pushed back because Scaramouche had sent out another mission, he said it was a top priority.

Some of the strongest men and women are spreading out to cover more areas of Liyue, they hoped this method would help get the job done faster. Honestly, everyone was surprised to see Scaramouche waltz back into another campsite alone, it caught some people off guard. Especially the Gunner Legionaries.

"My Lord," A Fatui recruit walked up to the sitting Harbinger and saluted, "Master Childe has come to have a word with you."

Scaramouche didn't bother responding, he didn't even move his gaze to look at the person speaking.

They cleared their throat nervously, "Rumour has it that he and the Traveller have parted ways."

After hearing those words, the young man finally showed a reaction. Scaramouche adjusted his seating on the chair and waved his hand in the air to dismiss the recruit, to which they quickly walked away.

"So, he got heartbroken too. What a loser." A scowl shaped Scaramouche's face as he clenched his teeth angrily from the thought of the Traveller and Childe. "And he decides to come crying to me. It's enough to make me laugh."

The curtains of the tent were pushed to the side as a tall Snezhnayan man entered hurriedly. He glanced back one last time outside to look at all the agents before making his way towards Scaramouche.

"You sent soldiers after [Y/N], didn't you?" Childe asked urgently, the stern expression on his face showed that he wasn't messing around.

"Your point?"

"Are you trying to kill her?" Childe was serious.

Scaramouche kept his gaze emotionless, "No, I just want her to come back."

"And then what?" The other man scoffed, flipping his hands over out of confusion. "When you finally capture [Y/N] are you going to lock her up? Keep her in a cage? Electrocute her until she can't even think for herself?"

"I'll do whatever I want with her."

"Scaramouche, I can find you a replacement secretary-"

"I said: I want her." He fired back.

Childe's eyebrows furrowed from the lack of cooperation, "She ran away for a reason. She must have found out-"

Scaramouche threw a fist down onto the armrest which made a loud thud, interrupting the other man, "Why are you judging my actions when you let the Traveller escape after breaking your heart, Childe? At least I am doing the best I can to make sure [Y/N] does not get arrested by the Millelith! She made an oath! She gave herself to me! I need her by my side, I don't want anyone else but her!"

Silence swallowed up both of them in the tent, even the agents outside stopped what they were doing when they heard the sudden commotion.

Childe exhaled the breath he was holding in and finally confessed, "Lumine, the Traveller, was using me. I was only her Mora supply. I'm allowed to feel sad. But I'm doing the right thing and letting her go, and focusing on my role as a Harbinger."

"What was that?"

"I think we have different reactions to being betrayed."

"What are you implying?" Scaramouche intimidated the younger male, obviously offended by his response. "Are you saying I should just allow my secretary to leave me? I should just allow her to desert the Fatui as if we haven't given her a place to rest, warm meals, and equipment?! Does that make sense to you, Childe?! She should regret ever abandoning the only things that loved her!"

After his explosive declaration, Scaramouche was appalled by his own words.

He was breathing quite heavily and his hands curled tightly into fists. It looked like he was indeed ready to break something, maybe smash a wooden crate or two. As much as he tried to remain composed, it didn't help that Childe was standing there astounded.

"I knew you were in love with her."

"Why are you even speaking to me?" Anger and misery poured over Scaramouche as he attempted to bite back his emotions.

"Because of [Y/N]'s disappearance and the shortage of our soldiers, I have decided to assist you with your mission to please the Tsaritsa." Childe announced honestly, with a hand on his chest and a sincere expression on his face. "I will help you find Rex Lapis' Gnosis."

Scaramouche only turned away displeased, closing himself from any further conversation.

Thanks for reading!! I hope you enjoyed!!

Also, this book isn't even done yet idk why y'all are panicking eheheheh ;)

Dirty, Little, Traitor [Scaramouche x Reader] Genshin ImpactKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat