"Yes, I am. Were you in that class?"

"Yes I did. I never recognise you until you were late one day." He was???? Oh lord. Am I always destined to meet and an Aldridge?

"Oh. Sorry I didn't know."

"It's fine, I'm Alex." He hand me a hand shake. I reached for his hand and shake it.

"Yes, I know." Oh my did I just said that out loud?

"You knew?"

"Uh I mean you're Alexander Aldridge, right? Your name is all over the tabloid these past few days." I cover myself. That was close.

"Ah I see." He nodded. For a second we silent awkwardly. It is so awkward to be friendly to your ex's younger brother right now.

Suddenly Alex's phone rang. He pick up the phone and started talking to it. I pick on of the dark red sweater and put it on my arm.

"You know that color is exactly same as you hair, right?" Suddenly Alex started making conversation again.

"Yes. I do." I nodded and walk towards other clothing section. I realized Alex was following me.

"You don't talk much, do you?"

"To a stranger, yes I don't." Are you sure he's a stranger?

"You're not like other girls, do you?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"I think you do."

"I don't think so." I turn my face towards him. I caught his eyes were staring into mine. His eyes were grey. Dark grey I must say.

"You have a very beautiful eyes." I realize Alex was different than his brother.

Alex was a casanova. He knew how to flirt and made them drool over him. Nathan, somehow is a bit sweet kinda guy. He doesn't need to say or flirt, the ladies always drool over him.

"Did I?"

"Yes. You did."

"ALEX!" Suddenly a woman marched towards us and stop infront of us.

"Alex, we need to talk." She said.

"Talk about what? Amber, you and I finished a 3 weeks ago."

"Ended? It wasn't even a relationship, Alex! It was a one night stand."

"Fine, what do you want now?

"I'm pregnant." What? Why do I have to listen to their conversation now?

"What? That's not mine."

"What the hell? Alex, you screwed me and now you said it's not yours?"

"Screwed you? I didn't screwed you. I had sex with you. Other men out there did screwed you. I'm sure already had sex like four or five of other men in these three weeks."

"Excuse me, I think I'll just go." I tried to excuse myself suddenly Alex grab my arm.

"You're not going anywhere until you hear my explanation." What? I don't need an explanation.

"Who is this bitch? You're screwing her now huh? Look at her, she looked like a fucking virgin."

"Excuse me, I just met him, and he is not screw--" Suddenly I felt a slap on my cheek.

She just did not did that. What the hell is wrong with her?

"Amber!" Alex said and pull my arm harshly which made the cloth on my hand dropped. He lead me out of the store and out of the mall. A lot of eyes were on us. As he certain that Amber wasn't following, he stopped walking.

"I am so sorry, Martha, I can explain."

"Save it. Damn that slap was hard." I rub my cheek and still feel the burning sensation on my cheek.

"Please, let me explain, it's not what it looks like."

"What? That the woman you had a night stand is pregnant? Did you even use protection?" I let out laugh.

"I did okay, look, that was before. Now, it's different." He leaned foward and cupped my face.

I grabbed his wrist. Preventing him from continue cupping my face. God this man is disgusting. His face ws shocked by my action. People around the mall was staring at us. God please don't let this mess a topic in the tabloid tonight.

"Don't. Your charm doesn't work on me, Mr. Aldridge."


"You heard me. I don't care about your sex life, I don't care whether the baby is yours or not, I just met you, and now you gave me an impression about the CEO of Aldridge Enterprice." I paused. I want to make it clear with him and does not want any misunderstanding.

"I didn't know he was a cold hearted casanova who sleeps around with women."

"You are so different from your brother." Crap. Did I just said that?

"What?" He asked me.

"I mean, um--" Suddenly my phone rang. Oh thank god. Bless whoever is calling me right now. I reached for my phone in my bag and pick up the call without looking who was calling.


"Hello, honey I just wanna tell you that I'll be home late tonight."

"Oh yeah sure, Ma. I'll be right there."

"Honey? Do you hear me?"

"Okay. I'll be there in 5." I hang up. Alex looked at me curiously.

"My mom called. I have to go." I tried to walk away but then Alex grab my arm and pulled me towards his toned chest.

He put his arm around my waist. This is so uncomfortable and people are looking since he is Alexander Aldridge. Damn it. I tried to push him away by placing my hands on his chest but he tighten his arms around me made me gasp for air.

"We are not done yet, M. You and I have an unfinished business here. Don't ever think that I'll let you go just like that. Maybe you don't care about everything you just heard but your impression and the slapped on your face is my concern." He let go of me. I walked away from him fast. God he was intimidating.

And how the hell am I supposed to be his photographer? Damn.

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