"Here," she said and gave me a pile of papers. "Is there anything you'd like?"

I looked down at the first paper. It was a copy of an advertisement. Of a bed.

"What is this?" I asked slowly as she continued driving.

"I was supposed to wait for next week, but I got too excited – you need stuff in your room, but I figured I should ask you if there's something you'd really like," she told me, sounding excited.

I continued staring at the picture, feeling...

"I... I don't think I can do this now, if I'm honest," I said quietly, looking away from the papers.

"Oh, it's fine! You can check them out once we get back home," she chirped.

"Please don't do this..." I begged, my good mood gone now.


"I don't want to get too excited," I told her. "It's still not... They may still say no."

"Oh, honey... I get it. I'm sorry... I should've waited," she spoke, her mood dropping too.

"Sorry..." I mumbled, feeling bad.

"Hey," she said, and I looked at her. She was smiling. "It is your room, no matter what happens on Monday."

I couldn't stop a smile from appearing on my lips. What was two more years? I'd probably get the permission to visit them every now and then, even if they wouldn't be my official foster parents. I didn't dare to look at the papers yet, so I put them away, but I was feeling better anyway.

And when we reached the road that led to Blue Moon territory, it was like my mood had never dropped.

The guards at the gates greeted us with smiles and let us pass. I watched the forest and the new buildings on both sides of the road as we continued our way deeper. The allied packs were building their new homes fast, and it was fascinating to see. They were building their homes by hand, lifting massive logs on their shoulders and carrying them around like they weighted nothing. Even the snow didn't stop them.

Soon, we arrived at the main street, and Natalie parked her car. When I got out, I immediately felt my wolves close by, running towards me.

I smiled and turned around, and a short moment later, I saw the big wolves approaching us.

And then my smile faded.

"No, no, no, no! Wait! Wait!" I yelped and turned into a spirit before they could run me over. They stopped to a screeching halt and turned around, barking at me, waving their tails. I laughed and turned back to human. "You're twice the size you used to be," I scolded them.

They showed me no remorse. Arch stood back when Tilly and Jaden tried to fight for the rights to get petted first, and it took only a second or two before I fell on my butt because they were pushing me so hard. I wasn't sure if they even noticed it since they were too busy barking at each other.

"Guys...!" I laughed, trying to get up again. "Watch out for the human!"

It was just a cloud of fur for me. Mostly black and white, but I saw glimpses of brown tufts every now and then. And my face got wet from all the wolf kisses. I was lying on my back at that point, giggling as I tried to protect myself from the attack.

Suddenly I felt human lips on mine and opened my eyes. Jaden was hovering over me, his green eyes sparkling at the sight of me. I smiled back at him, wrapping my arm around his shoulders to pull him into a bigger kiss. Tilly and Arch let out complaining whines and barks because of the lack of attention, but neither Jaden nor I were in a hurry.

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