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So I'll be adding my OC Void don't worry she's more of a troll and 4th wall breaker and protective older sister or mother. Oh and she's a sorcerer who is 2000 years old.

And how she acts let's say if Lisa had a sister. That's how Void acts. She's bisexual and has a girlfriend. But nevermind that. She's gonna be serving as Bennetts protective older sis.

Bennett Pov

Razor and I walked to school and met up with Xingqiu and chongyun and talked about our school assignment that's due next week.

"Ugh it's such a pain all of Mr. Zhongli's assignments are such a pain and gets me so stressed." I say chewing on some toast.

"Bennett I have some books I can lend to you on this assignment if you want?" Xingqiu says and pulls out his history book.

"Oh uh thanks I'll return it tomorrow thanks Xingqiu." I smiles and put it in my bag and we head into the school.

"Babe please are you alright where are you why are you not here?!" We walked into Childe having a freak out on the phone. We walked over and I asked Scaramouche what's going on.

"What's wrong with him?" Scaramouche stared at me and sighed.

"He's over reacting because Zhongli isn't gonna be in today cause he has a teacher meeting at another school and is having a break down like a baby bitch." We all stand there and face palm ourselves over the stupid rant.

"Wow he really is a whining brat." I say earning a slight chuckle from Scaramouche.

"So if Zhongli is not here then who is gonna be our teacher?" I ask. Scaramouche shrugs

"I saw this woman earlier talking to the principal. Wait why am I even talking to you loser." I smirk.

"Who knows maybe your warming up to me scaramouche. Wanna be frie-" he quickly cuts me off with a. "In your dreams Bennett. Now leave." With that he walks off dragging Childe away.

"Wow I never seen scaramouche treat you...nice?" Venti says walking over with Barbatos and the rest of our friends.

"But still a substitute teacher means no working." Barbatos says in sheer bliss.

We stood there and smile. The bell rings and we all head to class and walk in and take our seats. The final bell rings and in walks our sub teach.

She walks in and writes her name on the blackboard.

"Alright you little shits my name is Ms Void but call me Void. Because Morax my bad Zhongli isn't here doesn't mean you get to be lazy pieces of shits got it.!" The class was silent then both Barbatos and I stood up in shock.

"What the hell Void?!!!" We stared at each other and and back to her in shock. The class looked at us in confusion.

"Gasp Barbatos! Benny! I didn't no you two where gonna be here." She happily claps.

"Bennett how do you know about Vivaldi I mean Void?" Barbatos says.

"She's my older sister were not really related she told helped me out alot in my dark times and told me to call her or tell her if I'm being bullied or picked on or feel lonely. And she'll come an beat them. Big sis is really strong." Before I was able to speak more void stops me.

"Tell me Bennett are those boys or group you told me about who bullied you in this class right now if so tell me."

The room goes silent. I side eye Childe and Scaramouche who's face where pale white and looking at me in slight fear. My friends keep nodding telling me to rant them out.

[Genshin Impact] "Your Rain"  RazorXBennettWhere stories live. Discover now