Chapter 8: The Return of Stars & Stripes

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A bad guy always assumes he’s going to win—

Whereas the good guy has to struggle with,

What if I lose?

Chapter Eight: The Return of Stars & Stripes


Warning: Uh, this chapter’s pretty fluffy. Don’t worry, th-there’s still plot in it I swear.

“Alfred! Alfred! Alfred!” Peter continued to parade around the living room chanting, “He’s comin’ today~! He’s comin’ today~!”

Henry looked up from his laptop. “Everyone seems to be in a good mood this morning.”

From the kitchen, Lauren shrugged. “The kids have been excited. It’ll be nice for them to see a friend.”

“Speaking of which, I spoke with Alfred’s father yesterday,” Henry glanced down the hall to your room. “He said Alfred will drop by around eleven….” Taking a look at the clock, he continued, “And _____ is still in bed.”

Peter momentarily stopped running around. “She slept in? It’s already 10:45!”

Inside your room, you were still dead-asleep. Let’s just say you went to bed late last night and still had a hard time falling asleep afterwards.

The lights immediately flicked on. “WAKE UP BIG SISTER!”

“ahhhHHHH—!” You bolted up when you felt someone jumping on your bed.

“Get up, Miss Lazy Bones! Did you forget Alfred’s coming today!? He’s gonna be here real soon!” Peter was smiling giddily as he jumped off your bed. Ever since he met Alfred a few years ago, he looked up to him and even called him his superhero.

“Alfred…?” You sat up, yawning and rubbing your eyes.

After a few seconds, you nearly choked on your spit and flinched violently. “…oh MY GOD, ALFRED-!?” You scrambled out of bed, “It-It’s already 10:46?! Look at me, Peter! I’m a mess!” You gestured your unwashed hair, wrinkled PJs, and sandy-eyes towards your little brother in a panic. “Why didn’t you wake me up earlier?!”

He shrugged, “I thought you knew! And besides, you look fine to me!” He shouted back, now panicked only because you were.

Ignoring him, you sped down to the bathroom—only to be stopped by Henry. “Slept in, didn’t ya?”

You groaned, “Shut up.”

Now of all times, he felt like being a ‘dad’ and torturing you in the most ‘dad-est’ way possible. “As punishment, you have to go get the mail, and then you can come in and get ready.” He laughed quietly.

You stuck your tongue out at him, “Meanie!” And bolted towards the door in only your socks.

“And sorry we’ve been so stressed lately!” Henry called after you, implying he and Lauren. “We don’t mean to be the worst parents...”

As you reached the doorknob, you grinned. Every single one of your worries—ever—seemed to fade with that declaration of his. “It’s okay…” You mumbled as you opened the door and stepped out. You knew he’d heard you.

Feeling as light as a cloud, you sprinted over towards the mailbox. As you were turning past one of the front yard’s trees, you weren’t looking as to where you were going.

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