"It's not your fault." The boy mumbled, little fingers attempting to put the petals back in place, the silver and white head of hair slowly walking over slowly to kneel in front of the other.

"What's your name?"

"G-gon, Gon Freecss ." He stuttered, a little nervous.

"You're a second year student right? I'm Killua Zoldyck, a third year."

"Your family owns the school," Gon responded. "The Zoldycks own everything."

Killua laughed nervously, scratching the back of his head, "Yeah, I guess everyone knows." Gon didn't respond, looking sadly at the poorly made flower crown. "I thought they were pretty."

"You don't need to lie."

"I'm not! They look like they would've been very pretty." Killua assured.

"Others would say otherwise, just like how they make fun of how I dress."

"There's nothing wrong with they way you dress. Just because you wear big sweaters and light colors doesn't make you more feminine, you are who you want to be."

Gon felt something tug inside of him at the words, a warm feeling spreading throughout his heart and body, it was a feeling his mother described would happen when he would find his special someone.

"I-I don't know."

Killua didn't like seeing the smaller boy so upset, "You're really pretty, you know."

Gon's eyes widened, almost bambi like, as he finally looked up at the older boy. Killua had silvery white hair, pale almost white colored skin, and sapphire blue eyes, a sweet cat like smile adorned on his pinkish lips. "R-really?" Gon stuttered as a faint pink tint brushed across his cheeks.

"Of course! Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise!"

That's when Gon felt it, his heart skip a beat and a new feeling blossoming within his heart and chest. 'This is him,' He told himself. 'This is the one...the one I want to love and protect forever, just like mom said.'

Killua smiled at the other's shyness causing Gon to smile too, "O-okay~" Gon responded, looking at the flower crown on the emerald grass, now understanding who he made it for and who deserved it.

Days had passed since the murder and the atmosphere of the school had heightened. So much had happened this year; the disappearance of Haku, Kanna getting expelled, and now Yuki's supposed murder, everyone was on edge...well not everyone.

Gon sat in the honors' meeting held after school in one of the upper level classroom's, a little nervous since the silvery white sat in the same room. The meeting went on what character and how they're supposed to represent the school, blah blah blah.

The meeting was interrupted when someone, who was recognized by both Killua and Gon, "Hello, I'm sorry to interrupt, but can I please speak with Gon Freecss?" Gon gulped a little recognizing the investigator to be Biscuit Krueger, the same one who interviewed him before. He stood up, and gathered his things before walking out the door, seeing another investigator there as well.

"We're going make this quick, Mr. Freecss."

Gon stood there, looking a little stiff, and maybe a little nervous, hoping the police haven't found anything. "We were told by a few witnesses that you were at the dance a few days ago held at the gymnasium where the murder happened, can you confirm that?"

"Yes, I was there." He spoke, his voice unwavered.

"Did you know Yuki, or maybe why anyone would have a reason to hurt her?"

"I didn't know her personally, she was popular, I only know that." Gon lied. "Everyone liked her so I don't know why anyone would have a reason to hurt her."

The investigator, Biscuit, was jotting down notes just like before, "And did you notice anything suspicious that night? Like anyone who may have been acting off, or see anyone follow her to the locker room?"

"No, sir. I was mainly on the side, I saw her chatting with her friends for a moment, but that's about it." Gon lied again, Biscuit taking notes. He didn't miss the little look he was getting from the other investigator, but he chose to ignore it.

"Alright, Mr. Freecss, sorry for taking up your time. You may go." The investigator dismissed him, Gon bowing in fake respect.


Right as he approached the door, it opened. A flood of honors students coming out, the meeting was over. Gon got pushed back, shoulders dropping from wanting to see the elder more even if it was just for a second. Then just as he was about to turn and walk away, he saw the silvery white boy come out of the room.

Killua turned and saw the smaller male, smiling as he waved at him. Gon's heart skipped a beat as he saw the older male walk towards him, he stepped forward as Killua looked like he was about to greet him until-

"Gon!" The brown eyes got pulled back, turning to see who grabbed his attention away.

"Aoi?" The shorter girl smiled, "Gon, I need your help again, if you don't mind."

Annoying bitch...

Gon turned, looking behind him, seeing the silvery white haired boy talking to someone else as he walked in the other direction. Gon internally rolled his eyes in pure annoyance a he turned towards the other, "Yeah sure." He sighed as she squealed a little, pulling him towards wherever they were going.

Maybe I'll just get rid of her for myself if she's gonna keep interrupting my moments with Kil...

Before he knew it he was pulled onto the rooftop of the school, Aoi letting go of his arm as she walked a short ways away. Gon had forgotten for a moment why he was pulled up there, taken aback by the scenery around him.

It was winter near the end of the year already, after school. The sun was already meeting the earth, the rays spreading through the sky and along the city that led into the neighboring houses and other districts. The clouds had a smearing effect to them, Gon thinking of how he normally shades and blends his drawings, that's how they sky looked. The white that was dipped in orange and pink from the sun's touch smeared into the light blue of the sky that began to slowly turn dark for the night to come. A cool breeze swept through the pair, pulling the stray leaves with it, dragging the light, thin clouds along as well. The silver and gold in the setting sun rivaling the silver that lied with Killua's silvery white hair and the hints of bright blue that reflected in his eyes when outdoors in the afternoon sun, Gon thought.

"I-I came out here to ask you something, Gon." The small voice pulled the said boy out of his thoughts.

What now?

Gon looked at the girl in confusion, wondering what was so important to bring him all the way up here. She looked tense as she was facing down, but lifted her head as her shoulders dropped, breathing deeply to calm down before turning around.

"I-I like you, Gon."

Gon's eyes widened, completely speechless, the sound around the two fading away slowly. "Wh-what?"

"I like you...I've liked you since secondary school." She spoke shyly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

Gon didn't know what to say; he thought he was just a loner to people, completely invisible. He didn't think he'd attract anyone, anyone besides the one he wanted to be attracted to. He barely knew this girl, how could she even like someone like him? They rarely talked, what could she have possibly liked about him?


"I know it's really sudden," She continued. "But I really like you a lot." She looked up at him, smiling widely. "A-and I was wondering.." She began to walk forward towards him, Gon taking one step back, his expression never faltering.

"Will you go out with me?"




What do you think about Aoi?

Love sickNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ