"That's none of your business," I replied, trying to keep the anger from my tone, but I could tell I was starting to let it slip. The truth was, I was going to have to take out student loans in order to help me pay for my undergrad. I knew it wasn't the best thing to do, but it was my only option. My parents weren't rich and I didn't want to take their money, no matter how many times they offered to pay for my schooling.

"Do you have a job?" She questioned. Man, this lady was relentless.

"What part of 'that's none of your business' do you not understand?" I rebutted.

"I want to make sure you'll be okay on your own," she shrugged, trying to look as if she gave two shits about me. "You'd really benefit from our help. All you have to do is agree to the contract."

"I can take care of myself without having to whore myself out to some stupid-ass management company who thinks they can do whatever they want," I spat, outraged at her behaviour.

"I'm just trying to get you to realise how stupid you're being, sweetheart," she smiled sickeningly.


"Are you being serious right now?" I laughed humourlessly. I was honestly having trouble believing that this woman was actually supposed to be a professional.

"Yes, I am," she nodded seriously. "I honestly think you'll regret not taking this offer, Katie. I really do. I'm trying to help you."

"Okay," I nodded, fed up with all of her bullshit. I reached for my purse, starting to stand up out of my seat. "Well that's great, and I'd love to stay and chat about all the ways you could help me, really, I would. But I'm going to have to pass up on your offer-"

"One hundred and twenty thousand dollars, Katie," she stated, her face set like stone.

"Um," I drawled, confused as hell. What was she talking about. "Okay?"

"Do you not comprehend English?" She questioned, beyond irritated. I rolled my eyes. I swear, if this woman did not stop sassing me in the next ten seconds, she'd be getting a punch to the throat.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," I retorted, readying myself to leave at the very next insult she threw at me. "And I swear to god, if you don't start showing me some respect, I will walk straight out of this room without so much as a glance back."

At this, she straightened up.

"Well, maybe if you had actually read the contract, you'd know what I'm talking about," she explained tightly, grabbing the contract off of the table and flipping to the second page. "It says right here, under financial obligations."

"Says what?" I questioned, irritated. She stared at me for a while, before dropping her gaze down the the page in front of her and reading aloud.

"The sponsor makes the following payment to the payee: The sum total of fifty-eight thousand, four hundred and thirty pounds sterling, in addition to any travel reimbursement outlined above. The sponsor will pay payee the total sum in instalments of four thousand, eight hundred and seventy pounds sterling per month, following full monthly completion of this agreement," she reads, looking up when she finished. I stared back, not understanding what I just heard.

Did she just say what I think she did?

Seeing my perplexed expression, she lowered the papers onto the table and clarified, "So, if you agree to this contract, you will be paid a total equal to that of one hundred and twenty-thousand dollars Canadian by the end of the full year. You will receive ten thousand dollars per month."

When in London (One Direction Fan Fiction)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα