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"I went out to Waffle House this morning and got you some chocolate pancakes!" Ariana exclaimed happily as she walked into Briar's cell. Briars eyes lit up at the sound of chocolate. She made grabby hands towards the plate Ariana was holding making Ariana laugh. Ari am pointed to the table while balancing the plate of pancakes in one hand. Being a waitress at a diner really paid off.

Briar frowned. She still wasn't use fo sitting at the table but Ariana wanted her to learn. She needed to learn table etiquette and the first step to that was learning how to properly sit at a table and use her utensils and napkins. A part of her was angry at the nurses and doctors here for not reaching their patients anything about real world problems. She was all on her own.

Ariana sighed and thought of a way to make Briar sit at the table. That's when she thought of the perfect scenario.

"Let's take it as this. You're at a diner and they say you can't eat on the floor or with your hands, which you really like to do. But you know what you like more?" Briar looked at Ariana with question in her eyes. Ariana chuckled, "chocolate pancakes..." Briar practically drooled at the sound of chocolate pancakes. "BUT! You have to sit at the table and use your utensils to eat the chocolate pancakes. Would you rather leave or have the chocolate pancakes?"

Briar didn't hesitate to go to the table. Ariana noticed Briar's bad posture, but she decided not to critique the girl knowing that it was because of her constantly sitting on the floor. She placed the plate in front of Briar and cut the pancakes before giving the fork to Briar. Briar held the fork in her fist. Ariana frowned knowing the girl probably hasn't written a day in her life. Teaching how to write was a tough job, Ariana would have to look that one up.

Briar looked at the fork and instantly hated it. She crushed it with no effort before digging into the pancakes as if it was her first and last meal. Ariana sighed at the sight of it, but she knew that it would take some practice. "We'll try at another breakfast, I guess..."


Ariana put a Nutella sandwich in front of Briar and examined her as she picked it up and observed it. Briar looked at Ariana who gave her an encouraging smile, then she looked back down at the sandwich.

She took the top bread off and used her finger to pick up some of the chocolate. Before she could put her finger in her mouth, Ariana moved her finger and used the napkin to take the chocolate off. She then got the bread and put it back on the sandwich.

"You have to eat the sandwich like this, Briar." Ariana explained making Briar frown. She just wanted the chocolate. Ariana sighed and ripped a piece of the sandwich off. She held the small piece of sandwich between her fingers and began to eat it like you're suppose to eat a sandwich.

She was hoping Briar would catch on which she did. As soon as Briar took a bite out of the sandwich, her eyes widened in deliciousness. Ariana giggled, "good?" She asked making Briar nod her head. "Very very good." Briar exclaimed making Ariana's smile get bigger.

"That is called a Nutella sandwich. It's a sandwich with chocolate on it." 

"Sandwich?" Briar asked, her big innocent eyes staring up at Ariana. Ariana giggled once again and nodded. "Yes, sandwich. There's bread on the bottom, you can put anything in the middle and then there's bread on the top!" Briar nodded and took another bite out of her sandwich. She soon finished it and looked back up at Ariana, silently asking for another.

"I think that is enough chocolate for today. You had chocolate chip pancakes and a chocolate sandwich. Plus, dinner time is in a few hours. You'll be able to last." Ariana took the now empty paper plate from Briar and the room to go put it in the trash. She then came back to see Briar sitting on the floor in her usual spot. Maybe she should get a cushion for Briar. The floor looked awful to be sitting on.

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