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"What is a girl like you doing here?" Pete snickered. Ariana continued to go to her desk and Pete followed behind her. "Hey! I'm talking to you, Grande!" Ariana rolled her eyes and sat down at her desk, completely ignoring the immature boy. "Fine then!" Pete pushed Ariana's stuff off her desk. Everyone gasped but Ariana continued to look up at the board. Pete was beginning to get annoyed by Ariana.

"Hey! Listen to me right now, you stupid little girl!" Ariana stood up at the name with a balled up fist. Her fist was so close to Pete'a face that you would've thought she was going to punch him straight in the face.

"Listen up, buddy. You can say whatever you want to say about women, but you better not say it to my face. You may think you're strong, but I could be stronger than you in anyway, shape or form." Ariana said and kept giving Pete a strong glare making him slightly uncomfortable. Everyone was now looking at Pete and that's when he knew that he completely fucked up.

"Jeez, okay! Stop fucking looking at me, goddamn. Nosy asses." He went back to his seat and sat down with his chin resting in his hand. Ariana sat down as well blocking out all of the cheers and clapping she was getting.


Today was movie day for the hospital. They had movie day at least two times a month. It was Briar's first time going since she was 17. They last time she went to movie night she got herself into some huge trouble.

"Here you go, Briar." Courtney handed Briar a paper bag filled with popcorn, "there's not too much butter so you won't get any cuts on your face." Briar nodded and took the bag out of Courtney's hand. She examined the weird shaped food before putting it in her mouth and chewing.

"Is it good?" She heard a familiar voice say from beside her. She looked to her side and saw Ariana. She didn't hesitate to throw her arms around Ariana and engulf her in a hug. Ariana smiled at the interaction, she knew that they were making quick progress.

"I'm glad you're happy to see me!" Ariana said with a laugh making Briar cuddle into her more. Ariana ran her fingers through Briar's hair that was obviously growing. Maybe she could take Briar out again to get her a proper haircut.

"Did you miss me?" Briar nodded, "a lot." Ariana giggled, "I missed you too, bubs. What movie are we watching?" Ariana asked as she looked up at the boxed tv. Briar shrugged her shoulders. She didn't care about the popcorn or the movie anymore, she only cared about Ariana.

If she was being honest to herself, she thought that Ariana was leaving her forever. She was heartbroken when Ariana didn't come in through her door yesterday morning. She thought that Ariana had left her forever,

Just like her mom.

"Seems like we're watching Peter Pan. Do you like Peter Pan?" Ariana asked and Briar shrugged her shoulders once again, "never watched." She said through a whisper. "Then let's watch it together. Here, you can lay your head on my lap." Ariana shifted her position so that Briar was laying her head on her lap. "Comfortable?" Briar nodded her head.

Ariana smiled and began to brush through Briar's hair again. As she was doing so, she observed Briar's body. She hadn't noticed this before, but Briar looked as if her body didn't go through puberty. She was completely flat chested and didn't have any sign of acne which would definitely be happening above the age of 17. Ariana even went as far as wondering if Briar had a period.

She didn't want to make Briar uncomfortable so she didn't bring it up.

She went on to examining Briar's facial features which were naturally hard to notice since Briar kept a hood on most of the time. Briar had the most beautiful eyes and a beautiful nose to go with it. Her lips were small but plump, anyone would be lucky to kiss her.

Ariana was cut off of her thought process when she felt Briar shift a little, then a lot. Ariana began to panic a little as she saw the girl try to fight whatever it was hurting her. Ariana quickly engulfed Briar in a hug as that was the only thing she could do. But only caused the girl to continue fighting.

"Briar, look at me, bunny." Briar looked up at Ariana for a quick second before whimpering. Ariana stood up and took Briar with her to the shower rooms.

"Briar, look at me." Briar tried her best to look at Ariana, but the pain was too extreme for her to do so. Ariana quickly thought of a distraction for Briar. She began to use a skull that she learned from a friend when she went to summer camp.

She began to make animal figures with her hands. When Briar didn't hear anything from Ariana, she opened her eyes as best she could, trying to ignore the harsh scratching on her back.

She watched as Ariana made butterflies and birds with her hands. This seemed to catch the attention of the younger girl and she couldn't even feel the pain anymore. It seemed that her demons were also captivated by what Ariana was doing.

And so the night continued like that. This was Briar's favorite movie; butterflies and birds made by Ariana herself.

STAY WOKE ✔︎ || A. GrandeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz