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"Dr. Benjamin!" Ariana quickly called out as she tried to catch up with the fast moving doctor. Dr. Benjamin turned around and looked at the smaller girl. "Yes, Dr. Grande?"

"I was wondering if I could take Briar to a museum not too far away from here." Dr. Benjamin looked all over Ariana's face, trying to see if she was joking, but from the looks of it, she was not. "No." He shortly replied before carrying on with his walking.

"Please, Dr. Benjamin. I think it's time for Briar to get out of that cage you keep her in. She needs to see the world at some point." Dr. Benjamin stopped again and turn around to look at Ariana. "I am not going to let you take one of my most dangerous patients to a museum. Have you lost your mind, Ariana?"

"No, I haven't. The museum is something I think Briar would really like. And it's 100% safe for people like her. Nothing will be destroyed. I just want to get her mind off of the bad things."

Dr. Benjamin put all his weight in his left leg and sighed heavily. "Fine. But this is the only time I am letting you do this. I want her back here by 5:00 pm, got it Grande?"

"Yes, Dr. Benjamin." Ariana turned around and walked to Briar's cell with a large smile on her face. Briar was going to love the museum Ariana was going to take her to. It was dark and fun, something that Briar's inner demon would love.


"I think you will like this museum a lot, Briar. And it's much more quiet than the hospital." Ariana told Briar as she opened the door to the museum. It's been awhile since Briar has been out of her cell. She can't remember the last time someone took her somewhere.

Briar slowly walked inside of the museum, it was nice and quiet and not much people were there. Ariana caught up with Briar and gently grabbed her hand. "I need to go check us in and pay, then we can look around, alright?" Briar nodded her head, suddenly feeling excited.

Ariana signed the two in then grabbed Briar's hand again and brought her to the first display. It was the skeleton of one of the tallest men on earth. "Wow." Briar said under her breath. She knew better than to not touch it. She didn't want to get kicked out for ruining something.

"Briar, look at this." Briar looked up and there was a man hanging from a rope by his feet. It was a wax figure, but it looked so real. Briar's lips twisted upwards into a small smile.

The two continued to look around the museum of multiple deaths until they got to a certain display that caught the both of their eyes.

The displays name was "death made by demon". The display reminded Briar of her mother's death. Briar pointed to the demon wax figure then pointed to herself, "me." She then pointed to the wax figure of the women who was laying down on the floor of a bathroom, dead with multiple cuts and bruises. Her eyes were to the back of her head and her mouth was wide opened.


It was silent for a couple moments until Ariana decided that it was time for the two to get back to the hospital.

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