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Ariana woke up to a ringing on her phone. She groaned and reached out for it then answered the phone call. "Hello?" She said groggily, really not wanting to be talking at this hour.

"Ariana Grande? You're patient... she's going a little bit... crazy?" Ariana wanted to throw a fit just then. Briar was not crazy; she was far from that. "What happened? What did you do?" Ariana practically growled as she began to get up from her bed and go to the closet.

"N-nothing, I swear! She just started s-screaming and crying and cursing and stuff!" The nurse explained from the other side of the phone. Ariana sighed and put her shoes and coat on. "Alright, I'm on the way, please don't do anything. Stay away from her. Stay woke." Ariana explained then opened the door and walked to her car. She unlocked the car and got in, immediately putting her keys in the ignition and zooming out of the house.

"And I swear to the devil in hell below us, if you let those guards touch her I will literally cut your head off and mount it to my wall." The nurse audibly gulped, "yes, Dr. Grande." She answered and hung up the phone.

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Ariana walked into the hospital and could already hear Briar. She quickly ran to her cell and unlocked the door to it, going inside to see Briar in a state of mind. Her eyes were pitch black and her hair was sprawled all over the place.

"Bri-" before Ariana could get her sentence out, she was slammed into the wall by a huge gust of wind. Briar turned her head to look at Ariana, and that's when Ariana knew that this wasn't Briar.

"You FUCKERS! ALWAYS MESSING UP MY PLANS WITH THE BODY I CLAIMED AS MINE." A voice that wasn't Briar's said. Ariana gulped, trying her best not to look scared in front of the demon. "I'M GOING TO KILL YOU! ALL OF YOU! And I'll start with you." The demon looked at Ariana with a hungry smile.

Ariana had to think quick. One bite from this demon and she was gone. That's when her eyes widened in realization. "Bunny, look! Butterflies and birdies!" Ariana made butterflies and birdies with her hands capturing the demons' attention.

"Remember the song we made the other night? At movie night? 'Butterflies go flap flap flap! Get the nectar then go back back back! The birdies go tweet tweet tweet, get some worms then go feed feed feed,"

"The bunny goes hop hop hop, back to the borrow where it's not so hot..." The demons voice slowly faded and turned back into Briar's voice. A smile covered Ariana's face and she slowly walked over to Briar, still singing the song along with her.

"Tweet tweet tweet, flap flap flap, butterflies and birdies, tweet tweet tweet, flap flap flap, butterflies and birdies, zip snap zap..." After singing the last bit of the nursery rhyme Ariana and Briar made up, Ariana ran her hand over Briar's face and her eyes instantly closed. "Poor girl..." Ariana whispered before picking Briar up and putting her in her bed, wrapping her up with the thin cover and kissing her on the head.

"Goodnight, bunny." She whispered and left the unclean room. She would just have to clean it tomorrow.

She then looked at the guards knowing that they triggered something. She punched one of the guards making their face turn sideways. You could already see a red mark forming on the guards' cheek.

"WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO TO HER?!" Ariana yelled out making the other guard gulp. She almost growled when she didn't get an answer. She rubbed the temple of her nose and let out a sigh of anger. "Me being Briar's doctor, I would not like you to do anymore operations on her when I am or am not here. All operations must be done under my watch, do you understand me?"

The guards instantly nodded, scared of the shorter woman. "Good. I will be asking for permission to put a camera in her room since you fuckers can't keep your hands off of her." Ariana said while looking the two guards in the eyes before leaving the both of them. She decided to stay because she knew that her shift was coming soon.

As she was walking to the dorms, she ran into someone who seemed to be Dalton. "Ariana! Hey, it's nice to see you! What are you doing here so early?" Dalton asked. Ariana shook her head with a small smile, "Briar had a little accident. How about you? Doesn't your shift end at 9:00 pm?" Ariana asked making Dalton nod his head. "Yeah, it does, but I decided to stay the night." Ariana nodded her head knowing that they couldn't talk about their patients to one another.

"Well it was nice seeing you, Dalton, but I'm a little tired so I think I'm going to head to bed-"

"Wait! Ariana, you're good with patients with schizophrenia, right?" Ariana nodded her head, "yeah, what's up?" Dalton licked his lips, "I need help. Alien hand syndrome?" Ariana nodded her head, nudging Dalton to continue, "yeah, it's really bad and I don't want to hurt my patient... how do I help him?"

"Give him a distraction. Like... a stress ball or something that isn't easy to destroy. When having a distraction, he is less likely to have an attack." Dalton nodded with a smile on his face, "thank you, Ariana." Ariana gave Dalton a single nod before making her way to the dorms again.

When she walked into the dorms, she laid down on an empty but made bed and her eyes immediately began to close. She was glad that she met one of the demons that were picking on Briar. Now she knew a part of what she was working with.

STAY WOKE ✔︎ || A. GrandeWhere stories live. Discover now