Chapter 5: Louna's Mother

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Larissa: So, I was pregnant with you when I was 17. I was at a party at the club with my friends at the same time. Then my friends went home without me. I don't know why. Then a group of strong men came. And they kidnapped me. They locked me in the dark room and handcuffed me. My arms and legs were bound wide. I was naked. They brutally raped me for 1 week. There were 4 mens. They just fucked me many times against my will. After a week I heard a bang. At that moment I just thought I would rather die than continue to be raped. I only got 1 piece of bread and 2 liters of water that week and at the end of the week I looked so skinny. There was a bang from the outside. And then somebody screamed full loud: Here is the police, is somebody there? And I screamed as loud as I could HELP. Really as much as I could. And the police could hear me. They had a blanket, and they gave me the blanket because I was naked. I was then taken directly to the hospital, because my health condition was terrible. During a check-up the doctor realized that I was pregnant. And I could still have an abortion, but I didn't do it because such a small baby being doesn't deserve to die so innocently.
9 months later I gave birth to you and I saw you, you looked soo harmless. And I was 17, and I got such a bad feeling and I thought I was a bad mother to you. So I gave you up for adoption and I wanted to give you a happy life that I couldn't give myself. My life was ruined. I hope you can understand me. But you know if you don't need me or don't want to see me anymore I have to accept it.

Louna: Omg... Mum... I don't know what to say. I am so sorry. Not only that, but I wish you didn't go through something like that. Do you know who my father is? I'd like to smash his face in. And no, I would like to see you again, you are my mother after all.

*Larissa is surprised because Louna called her mum*

Larissa: I know who he is. He killed himself in prison with other 3 mens. I am very thankful to you for wanting to see me again. I missed you very much and had to think about you every single day, how you are doing. But now I am happy because I know that you are well and happy.

Louna: Ah yes then he deserved to die. Yes sure we don't talk about the past anymore. Our time starts here and now. Mum, I missed you too. I was looking for you all the time, but my adoptive parents didn't allow it because they thought it would stress me unnecessarily. I am also happy that you are here.

*Victoria and Marijetta came back from the beach and saw Louna with Larissa at the table*

Victoria: Hello everyone.

Louna: Heyy Vicky, hey Marijetta, this is my mom Larissa and Mum, these are my best friends Victoria and Marijetta.

Larissa: Ah hey everybody. I'm Louna's mom. It's a long story. Louna can tell you the story. So Louna, I have to go now. Here I give you my number. Write me if you want to do something. Bye together.

Victoria and Marijetta: Bye Larissa.

*Larissa left*

Marijetta: What was that?

Victoria: WHAT DID I MISS? Where the hell is your mum from. But I have to be honest, you guys look a damn similar to each other.

*Louna told everything that happened*

Victoria: Omg... it's a sick story, and I'm speechless, and it hurts me to hear that.

Marijetta: Louna... I wish your mother didn't have to go through something like that.

Louna: Well, I wish it too... but it happened. But now I'm hungry, and I want to eat something. Where are the boys anyway? I haven't heard anything from the boys.

Victoria: Yes, where are they? The boys said that today was their first day at work. I haven't seen the boys since yesterday.

Marijetta: I don't know, I'll write in the chat. You know what? Let's go have a pizza and a movie night.

Victoria and Louna: Yes good idea!



We are Family

Marijetta: Guys, where are you?🤔

Peeta: We are on the way home🙂

Victoria: Please come home we are worried!🥺

Aaron: Yeah chill out, we're fine😁

Louna: Why does my feeling tell me otherwise?😒

Aaron: OK, well something happened. 😕

And I'm not coming home today.

But Peeta's coming later.

He'll tell you then.

Peeta: I'll be back at 9:30 then.

Victoria: Why don't you just say where you are now?🙏🏻

We're really worried, and we don't

believe that you're ok. 🥺

Peeta: I'll tell you when I get home.😅

Louna: OK.🙄


Louna: Hey, don't you think it's weird how the guys are reacting? They had their first day of work today and aren't at home yet. What happened?

Victoria: Something is weird but most of all Peeta sent a weird emoji. It's weird and scary at the same time. But I'm really worried about Aaron.

Marijetta: Vicky... I've never seen you so worried. What's going on? We shouldn't think too much, Peeta said he will come soon, and he will tell us what happened.

Louna: Victoria...what's going on?

Victoria: You don't realize anything, or? Haven't you realized that I like Aaron so much?

Marijetta: I noticed that already, especially the way you look at him.

Louna: You can tell us anything, don't worry we won't tell the boys.

Victoria: I have feelings for Aaron. Yeah, shit... Victoria's Secret is out.

Marijetta: Since when already?

Victoria: Since we were in the same class together.

Louna: Omg so long? Three fucking years? And you've had feelings for him for that long? How come you never said anything?

Victoria: Yep... that's the truth.

Marijetta: Then tell him the truth. So tell that to Aaron.

Victoria: No are you fucking crazy, I'm sure he doesn't love me. Yeah, look at me. Would I be his type? No, I don't think so.

Louna: Vicky, shut up, you are gorgeous! If you repeat that you are not beautiful then I will punch you. You don't know if you are his type or not.

Victoria: Ok, right...

*Peeta came into the house and greeted the girls*

Peeta: Hey girls. Oh, well you guys missed me.

Victoria: Ha Ha how funny. Where the hell is Aaron?

Marijetta: Peeta, you look so depressed. What happened?

Peeta: Yeah so something bad happened. Aaron is...

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