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The night was cold, the crisp cold air was enough to chill anyone to the bone and for the small frail girl wandering the streets with nothing but skin and bones to keep her warm it should have been worse, it should have killed her. But now after years of wandering the streets of the slums she was more than used to it.

The sun had completely set and this small girl with red hair now stalked the streets once again her eyes glued open after all the night was when she had to be most alert to survive it was most dangerous.

"What do we have here?." The voice of an older man called out his voice was full of malice and sleaziness these voices never have good intentions "what does a guy have to do to get a go of a pretty thing like you"

"Sorry I'm not for sale tonight." The girl answered as she continued walking not even taking a moment to look back at his face.

"How insolent, If a Lord requests you how dare you decline." Another voice called from behind, she brung her feet together quickly launching herself to a halt. turning her head to look at the two men sure enough he was a lord.

"Look no offense or anything your lordship but am not sleeping with you." Her tone was not one to mess with as the mans eyes pierced her skin, these typed were all the same if they had money they thought they ruled the world

"How dare you speak to me like that." The lord stated. "Take her now i want her." He yelled to his goon causing him to jump into action lunging towards her fast.

The lords eyes widened as the small frail girl grabbed his goon holding him by the neck with a knife. pressing it against his skin close to slicing the skin wide open.

"If you don't leave now i will kill you both and nobody will ever find you. The fear spread in their eyes as she watched the lord take steps back "I take it you will oblige." She whispered her own voice was full of malice as her eyes turned red, she was truly terrifying.

"Il do whatever you want just please spare me." He cried out carefully afraid the blade would cut his neck wide open.

"Here's what you are going to do." She loosened the grip of the knife slightly feeing the mans breath on her arm as he struggled to catch another. She was still holding the knife enough to keep him trapped in her grasp. "You are going to drop any money or valuables you have in front of me and when you have done that I will spare your life." He struggled slowly scrambling through his pockets desperately for any sort of valuable or money he could fine the Lord in front did the same keeping his eyes fully on the eyes of the girl.

Those eyes were evil they looked red as if the devil himself resided in them.

Eventually they managed to drop whatever they had. she let go of the man throwing him to the ground forcefully.

"Leave now and don't ever bother me again, tell anyone and il have your heads." The two grown men whimpered and cowered as they desperately attempted to get away their breaths heavy and full of fear.

The small girl quickly grabbed everything they had left from the ground, if she was slow someone else could come and steal it.

They had left bags of coins and expensive looking broaches made with rare materials. As well as a pocket watch that seemed to be delicately prepared it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, she knew instantly this is one thing she would not sell, a Pocket watch could be useful after all.

After gathering all of the items and money she stalked once again through the streets with a sigh, she had to do anything she could to survive a few years ago those men would have had their way with her. At the tender age of 18 she had already had a Misscarriage of a child. One that was not planned she had been paid handsomely to entertain with a Soldier. many lords had attempted to take her and years ago she would have took the demand lying down . having red hair made her a serious target it was a rarity that did not exist very often in humanity and the perverts loved it.

Lost memories- a levi Ackerman FanficWhere stories live. Discover now