Chapter 13:

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Author's POV

It was early in the morning, the sun hadn't even risen yet. Jess had woken up before the other boys did so she decided to head down to Newsie Square. She was surprised when she saw Spot there. She tried the sneak away but she bumped into the gate which made Spot look over to her.

"Jessica? Why are you here so early?" Spot asks as he chews on a piece of gum.

"I could ask you the same question."Jess says crossing her arms. Spot shakes his head.

"I see you're still a little smart aleck." Spot says shaking his head.

"Yeah well you're still an ignorant bonehead, who cares for no one but yourself." Jess scoffs.

"Oh please you're the one that ran away. I mean come on, Jess. You couldn't have come up with another way of saying goodbye. You left me a dang letter. Who does that?" Spot says. Jess rolls her eyes.

"Look, if you would've been in my shoes you would understand why I did what I did." Jess argues. "All I wanted was to spend time with you Spot! It's like after Dad died and Mom left you just shut me out." Spot looks down.

"Don't you think it was hard for me too. I didn't know how to take care of a family-"

"Spot I don't need to be taken care of! I'm not a baby anymore." Spot clenches his jaw and sits down. Jess runs her face. "How did you find me anyway?" Jess asks.

"I was delivering papers a few days before they upped the prices and I saw you with Jack. I wanted to grab you and take you home, but then I saw how happy you looked, and how happy Jack looked." Jess' face softens. "I just wanted my little sister back but I hadn't seen you smile like that in years. I knew I couldn't take that away from you." Spot says fiddling his fingers. Jess holds her hand out to him. He just stares at it.

"Come on, Spot. Quit being so stubborn for once." Jess smirks. Spot rolls his eyes and grabs her hand. She yanks him up and hugs him. He hesitantly hugs her back.

"I love you, Spot." Jess says. Spot softly smiles.

"I love you, ya brat." He laughs. Jess pulls away and punches his chest.

"Awe how cute you guys made up." Race says as he emerges from the shadows with Jack and Davey behind him. The siblings roll their eyes. Race laughs and whistles loudly getting the Newsies attention.

"Okay as nice as this is, Jess we have to meet with Katherine." Jack says walking up to her. She nods.

"Hey!" Spot says to Jack. Jack looks to him. "You keep her safe, Kelly." Jack smiles and nods.

"Oh I will, but I think she can hold her own." Jack says winking at Jess. She rolls her eyes.

"Come on we're gonna be late." Jess says waving to Spot as they leave. Once they arrive Jess, Jack, Davey, and Katherine enter the cellar. Katherine hands Jack a ring of keys.

"I'll get the lights. Jack get those windows unlocked."

"You got enough keys here for the entire building." Jack says, unlocking the windows.

"Has someone been picking daddy's pockets?"

"The janitor's been working here since he was eight years old and hasn't had a raise in twenty years. He's with us one-hundred percent." Katherine turns up the lights and uncovers the printing press. Davey, Race, and a few other Newsies pour through the window. Two well-dressed kids, Bill and Darcy, go straight to work on the printing press.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐔𝐍𝐀𝐖𝐀𝐘 • 𝐉𝐀𝐂𝐊 𝐊𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐘Where stories live. Discover now