Office thoughts

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      Donald had always relied on Kingsley for almost everything. Information gathering, meeting organizing, keeping tabs on the school heads, collecting stats and reporting them back to Donald. All were trivial things anyone could do. But Donald wanted Kingsley to do these things. Why? Well there were a few reasons.
     First, Donald told Kingsley things. He let him in on what happens and what's actually happening. The real reasons behind his actions. There was a web of pies being spun, and Kingsley wasn't caught in it. He was only a mere observer, who may have, subconsciously or consciously, helped spin it. This formed a sense of trust between the two boys; Donald keeping Kingsley out of the web and Kingsley knowing every action, and motive behind it, of Donald's.
     Second there was only enough room to trust one person. That person happened to have been Kingsley. Since Donald had Kingsley in on his web of lies he couldn't let anyone else in. The more people who were in on a secret the more likely it won't stay a secret. Kingsley wasn't the talkative type so he was less likely to gossip. Plus, there was no gain from telling other people about it so why should he?

     Third, Donald liked having a human tell him things. Especially Kingsley. If he really wanted to he could boot up a computer to run stats or scare some poor nerd into collecting intel. But, no Donald liked Kingsley and not just because he was quiet and useful. Simply put Donald preferred a human connection. The fact that it was a connection with Kingsley made it all the more better. He couldn't quite explain but, Donald was attracted to Kingsley. Romantically attracted? Yeah, that was it.

     However Donald found this little crush troublesome, and not just because he was a guy who liked another guy (he had come to terms with himself about that awhile ago). No, it was because he tended to get distracted. Most days it didn't bother him. He would be too caught up in his own thought, planning two steps ahead of everyone. On the off chance he wouldn't even notice Kingsley's presence. Somedays, however, he couldn't stop thinking about Kingsley. He couldn't stop thinking about Kingsley's impassive tenor voice, which was why he called not texted. Or how those square glasses perfectly framed his face, only adding to his stoic expression. Or his lips that down turned into a cute little pout...and how they might be really soft to kiss.

     Today was one of those days. Kingsley was giving Donald the daily report, but he wasn't paying attention (should he have been paying attention? Eh, it was a slow day.) Instead he was thinking about Kingsley's fair skin. Unlike Donald, Kingsley didn't have any tattoos or anything which left a blank canvas. Currently Donald was thinking about all the ways he could decorate that blank canvas with hickeys and bite marks...or perhaps Kingsley could decorate Donald with some...either or was fine he wasn't really picky....

     He tried to stop them but Donald's eyes wandered to Kingsley's lips. Those lips that kept moving, saying words that Donald could hear but, wasn't really listening to. The lips that were looking real soft right about now. He subconsciously bit his own lip.

     Suddenly he noticed there wasn't any more noise. The low tenor sound that had filled Donald's ears was gone. Kingsley had stopped talking. Shit, what was he saying, Donald thought as he tried to collect himself. Donald wasn't usually expecting to say more than a few words, and then Kingsley would leave and that would be that. But Donald felt like he should say something, keep the conversation going, hear more of that wonderful smooth low sound known as Kingsley's voice. Thankfully, Kingsley spoke first.

     "I know I'm not in the position to give you advice but..." he trailed off. Donald couldn't help but feel amused. Kingsley didn't quiver in fear in front of Donald like most people do, yet here he was, reluctant to share a piece of his mind.
   "Go ahead Kingsley," Donald said as he leaned back in his chair a bit.

     "I'd say if you're thinking about doing something," Kingsley walked towards Donald's desk as he spoke, "Then you should just do it." As he said the last bit Kingsley put his hand down on Donald's desk, caging him on one side, and looked him dead in the eye.

     For a second Donald widened his eyes in shock. Does he know what I'm thinking about? He couldn't have possibly known, could he? Of course these frantic thoughts only lasted a second. If he does know what I'm thinking about...and he just said...

     (As a matter of fact Kingsley did not now what Donald was thinking about. He had just spent the last five minutes talking about Eunjang and their crazy students, including the White Mamba. What Kingsley had meant about just doing something is to confront the problem at the source. Of course this didn't translate well to Donald because this is a fanfi- because he wasn't listening.)

     Donald was torn. He should say or do something but he didn't know what. But the sexy thing Kingsley just did made it hard for him to pick any other option.

     Donald had made his decision. Combined with the tugging feeling he got from the diagonal Kane-don thing Kingsley was doing and the butterflies he already had in his stomach, he decided what he was going to do. Even if this wasn't what Kingsley had meant is was better to do something about it now then to let these feelings grow like mold; ugly and all consuming.
     "Well if you insist," Donald smirked as he pulled Kingsley's chin down and kissed him. It wasn't a particularly hard kiss and only lasted a few moments. Donald pulled away slowing but lingered a bit as he thought, So I was right, his lips are soft.

     Donald looked at Kingsley-his brows were furrowed in confusion-then reality came crashing in. Donald moved his head away but, didn't get very far because Kingsley brought Donald into another kiss.
     Now it was Donald's turn to be confused. Was Kingsley Kwan kissing him? Well I did start this he thought as a euphoric feeling traveled through his body. Donald pushed back against Kingsley's lips, and titled his head slightly. And, well, let's just say it got heated quickly.

     They started moving their lips against each other. Donald put one hand on Kingsley's face and his waist to pull him closer (even though it was awkward because Kingsley was standing and Donald was sitting on the opposite side of the desk). He then had the sudden urge to mess up Kingsley's hair. Unfortunately, or rather fortunately, Kingsley had the idea first and already had his fingers knotted in pale blonde hair.

     After a few moments they pulled away for air and Kingsley asked, "Wait, this is what you were thinking about doing?"
     Donald didn't want to stop kissing Kingsley. He hummed a "mm-hm" and began to kiss him again.
     "I don't see how this will solve the Eunjang problem," Kingsley said in between kisses.

     "The what?" Donald had been so consumed in consuming Kingsley's mouth he forgot what they were originally there for.

     Kingsley looked back at Donald for a second before he asked, "Were you listening to anything I said?"

     "Mm, nope," Donald said peppering Kingsley with more kisses. In an effort to fill his desperation for closeness Donald's hands traveled to Kingsley's shirt tugging him lightly. "You still wanna talk about those bastards?" Donald asked, a teasing edge in his voice.

     "Nope," Kingsley answered, pulling Donald by the collar into a fierce kiss. And for that moment they let the rest of the world slip away.


Sup y'all, Author here! I hoped you liked. I know I know lots of grammatical errors. It's also kinda out of character so yeeeaaahhh. Anyways if you have any constructive criticism and/or requests please tell me. Anyways have a good day/night!~


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