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            Tonight was a big night for Hiro Hamada

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Tonight was a big night for Hiro Hamada. The San Francisco Institute of Technology (a.k.a. "SFIT") was holding a convention for up-and-coming geniuses, like Hiro himself, to showcase new inventions that would receive an acceptance into the university. Hiro planned on presenting his microbots – swarms of tiny robots that linked together in any arrangement imaginable using a neuro-cranial transmitter, worn like a sweatband on Hiro's head.

 Hiro planned on presenting his microbots – swarms of tiny robots that linked together in any arrangement imaginable using a neuro-cranial transmitter, worn like a sweatband on Hiro's head

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Investors were impressed by Hiro's presentation, including Alistar Krei (CEO of Krei Tech). Shortly after the presentation's conclusion, Krei attempted to approach Hiro and recruit him, until...


Krei's head was nearly knocked from his shoulders by a green-glowing fist that came within a hair of connecting. The attacker was an attractive, curvaceous woman with pale green skin, black lips, long thick black hair, and forest-green eyes. Krei would've been enchanted by her looks alone, had she not been there to kill him.

            She moved in with a fast and fierce roundhouse kick, which had suddenly been blocked by a blond-haired man in a grey flannel suit that constricted a muscular build

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She moved in with a fast and fierce roundhouse kick, which had suddenly been blocked by a blond-haired man in a grey flannel suit that constricted a muscular build. This man, whoever he was, became Krei's protector that evening. He went toe-to-toe with the green woman, deflecting every single one of her blows.

"You're good," the woman told her opponent. "But I was expecting a certain cheerleader, not a hunky beefcake like yourself."

"Sorry to disappoint," the man responded with a distinguished British accent.

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