not a happy birthday

537 27 11

june 18th, 1987

seattle, washington

"happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, dear molly, happy birthday to you!"

"it would be a happy birthday if you two idiots didn't wake me up at nine in the morning."

"shut the fuck up and make a wish," chris said, shoving a cupcake in the drowsy girls face.

molly grumbled under her breath, propping herself up on her elbows and glancing between the two boys.

she'd been sleeping in chris' bed, as the house only had two bedrooms.

not wanting to outstay her welcome, molly told the boys she could find her own apartment in seattle. it wasn't like she was broke- she'd been saving since she got her first job at thirteen, and her mother surprisingly left her with a decent amount of money. not enough that she'd never have to work again, of course, but enough to get on her feet.

naturally, the boys demanded she stay with them. when she finally relented, she insisted on crashing on the couch for the indefinite amount of time she would be staying there, but chris wouldn't let her. it didn't take much convincing- after all, his bed was very comfortable.

"unless you want a waxy cupcake, i'd blow out the candle," andy said.

"yes, thank you for that, andy," she responded with a glare.

sitting fully up, the birthday girl closed her eyes and puffed out her cheeks, blowing the flame out.

hearing the click of a camera, she opened her eyes.

"is that my polaroid?" she asked, raising an eyebrow at andy, who sheepishly lowered the camera.

"well... yes... but i figured you'd want to have pictures of today. you only turn eighteen once, you know!" he said with a cheeky smile.

"damn right! our little baby is finally legal! now you don't have to ask me to buy you cigarettes anymore," a grinning chris said, leaning down to pinch molly's cheek.

she swatted his hand away and frowned, causing the boys to laugh.

"you're not allowed to laugh at me on my birthday," molly said, crossing her arms.

"we're not laughing at you, we're laughing with you," chris said, still snickering.

"do you see me laughing?" she asked, looking bewilderedly between andy and chis.

"no, but that was pretty damn funny," andy said.


"did i not say small, andy?" molly whispered feverishly, looking around at the nearly packed house.

the boy gave her a bashful smile, shrugging his shoulders, "the more the merrier?"

"i don't even know some of these people," she groaned, "did you invite all of seattle?"

"no! i swear i only told like ten people."

molly rolled her eyes, "right."

"what can i say, word gets around."

as molly opened her mouth to tell andy off, she was interrupted.

"happy birthday molly!"

she turned around, "jeff, stoney! god it's been so long," she said bringing each of them in for a hug.

"brought you a present," jeff said, holding up a bottle of burnett's cherry vodka, "hope it's still your favorite.

grinning, she nodded, "you know me so well."

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