The Questions

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Dale pretended not to pay attention and slapped Blade which left a red spot on his right cheek. "What's the point in getting it out of me if there right there" Blade said his head hanging down. Dale smacked him once more and said "I have my reasons I'll have to kill you to get Surb very slowly and painfully". A grin formed on Dale's face as she looked out of the corner of her eye. "Fine go ahead I rather die for Dox, Surb, and Kaleth than take up on your offer" Blade said spitting on Dale's dress and giving her a grin. Dale rose her hand and then put it down again.

Dox's eye started winching and her fist clutched in a ball by her sides. Kaleth tried to talk to Dox through her head but she kept pushing her away. Kaleth glanced at Flitz and she tried. Flitz shoke her head and looked at Dox. "Let them go" Surb finally spoke. Dale was surprised and walked over to him. Dale looked at how serious Surb looked and laughed. She went back over to Blade and she took his dagger from it's pouch. She rose the dagger and cut his arm. Blade winched at the pain but didn't say anything. "Tough boy" Dale said adding "lets see how tough you are when I harm Dox".

Dale walked over to Dox and circled her. She lifted the dagger and put it to her face. She pushed down hard enough so they could see a stream of blood starting to pour down her face. Dox started to laugh. Everyone just stared except Blade who understood and started laughing too. "Dale you think you know us but you don't so stop acting like it your jut trying to get what you want but your not gonna get it" Dox explained. Dale sliced the dagger all the way across her face and all Dox did was keep laughing.

Blade stopped laughing as he saw Surb trying to roll his way towards him. Blade smiled and looked at his boot which he took off. Surb reached in the boot and took out a small knife. He handed it to Blade and Blade started cutting the rope. "Know Dox I've got a question for you do you know why I'm here" Dale asked. "Your here to ask Blade if he'll turn to your side" Dox said smiling. Blade came from behind her and but the knife to her neck "leave quietly and we won't hurt you till next time" he spoke. Dale dropped the dagger and vanished a black smoke emerged around Surb and when it away he wasn't there. "Alright that's how you wanna play Dale I can play this game too" Dox said grinning.

-end of chapter 6-

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