Chapter XII: Icy Grey

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Disclaimer: this contains graphic descriptions of violence. If you are easily sensitive to that kind of the than please skip over some parts.

One of the main points I make when telling people my story is about the perils of taking a man's life. It does something almost inexplainable to your mind, soul, and body. The sounds, the look, the despair, everything about death is painful to watch. And taking a man's life isn't something you do light heartedly.

Georgia and I laid whitey on a table, I placed my sweater under his head. Naomi and Cora explained that the sheriff was tied up, and while I had been fighting the three men in the saloon they had gotten some info out of him.
He had hired nine more men. After one of his Private Investigators told him that some of the gang (Naomi, Bella, Georgia, and Cora) were in town.

That left 2 assassins for each of us, except me, who I guessed would get three.
I ran back to my hotel and got changed. I put on a pair of trousers and a white collard shirt with a brown corset over the top. retrieved A LOT more knives and two 45's.
I had my knives strapped to a cross body holster, and my thigh holster. My guns were attached to my belt with an additional bullet belt as well.
I took the ribbon out of my hair, wiped the blood off and braided my long hair behind my back.
I inspected my ear in the mirror. The tip of my left ear was throbbing and bloody. I cleaned the wound and look again at my face.
Something about seeing my face so bloodied and messy made me think about what I had done. I had killed two men in front of Whitey and threatened his life before knocking him out... I knew those things had to be done, but I felt as if i was a monster in a pretty package. In that moment I learned what self hatred really was.

Cora burst into my room.
"Naomi said—" she saw tears running down my face and stopped mid sentence.

"What's wrong?" She asked sitting beside me on the footstool in front of the vanity.

"I killed those men, in front of Whitey! I threatened to kill him! I don't know who I am!" I exclaimed emotionally.

Cora looked at me in the mirror, and then stood.

Turning me around to face her, she placed her hands on my shoulders only for a second before slapping me across the face.
"Honey! You are Amira Luna, Calypso, and my personal favorite, Sophie! You are a strong woman in a man's world, and you need to grow up and realize that you did all of those things to protect your boy! So you killed the man who almost killed Louis? I killed a man who almost killed you! It's a messy world out there, you know that more than most! So get up, wipe your tears off, gear up and let's go kill every last one of those guys so we can get out of here!"
She was right, I needed to man up and fight!
I calmly wiped my tears away and looked in the mirror one last time and thought: "l accept who I am." It might not have been true but maybe if I thought it enough I would feel it.

We walked down to Naomi and I had noticed Georgia was on the roof with a looking glass.

"Okay! Georgia and I will take the roofs of the saloon and the bank, Cora, Sophie, ya'll need to cover the sheriff's station and the church." Naomi explained and handed us both shotguns.

"Georgia done spotted em off in the distance. If at any point you need immediate assistance, yell, "Green Gardens". If you hear "Green Gardens" you run in the direction of the sound...Listen girls, these guys, they're difficult. But, for the good of the gang, we need every last one of em dead. Sophie, you are more skilled than Cora" she paused before explaining: "meaning no offense Cora. Anyway, we will send three of them directly your way, take em out"

"Yes m'am" me and Cora both repeated.
I took the church she took the station.
I waited outside the church, and counted my ammo.
Then I spotted them! Three of them walking towards the church. They spotted me and shot once, twice and kept going. With the amount of bullets they went through you'd think they had unlimited ammo.

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