Chapter II: Liar

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My eyes cleared and I was on the floor. Whitey was sitting over me his hands on my shoulders trying desperately to wake me up. He locked eyes with me and said
"Thank God"
My nose started bleeding.
"Oh my gosh—" he said and grabbed a towel from the counter.
"Here" he said and wiped my nose for me. I took the towel
"What happened?" He asked
"Nothing, I guess my corset was just too tight" I explained
"...Sophie you aren't wearing a corset" he said raising his brows and smirking
" then I guess-"
"You heard the sheriff talking about the case and it freaked you out, because you haven't heard such violent actions. I understand, a lady like you would be expected to do such things" he said nodding his head
"Yeah, I have simply never heard of such dark actions".
I was there when she did that to one man, it was gruesome. But, My mom told me that she rarely did it and that it was wrong. I didn't understand why she would say how horrible it was and then do it to dozens of men.
"Say, Whitey, how many men?"
"You sure you wanna know?" He asked
My jaw dropped.
"Come one Sophie I'll help you-"
"I can do it myself, thanks"
I got up and out of my skirt fell a long dagger.
"Whoah you are carrying some heavy duty weapons Soph" Whitey exclaimed with wide eyes
"Yeah" I said I picked it up and over to the corridor.
I picked up my notebook and wrote a letter that read:  "Dear Mom, I was waiting tables when I heard a nasty piece of information from the sheriff. He said that you do a lot more than just turn in Rapists. What have I done to upset you and persuade you to lie to me about this matter?" I went on for another page explaining the rest of the information about my work so far. I had finished writing it when the sheriff stepped up to me and said:
"How are you feeling honey?" He asked looking down at me with an odd stare in which I wasn't familiar with.
"I'm not your "honey" and I'm fine thanks" I replied looking back down at my envelope.
"What an ill mannered girl!" I exclaimed and huffed and puffed all the way back to the station.
Whitey walked up to where I was sitting
"I'm gonna take off" he said
"Hey uh, how about you and I get a drink here, sometime when your not working that is"  he said and smirked, he looked so cute.
"Okay" I said looking back down at the envelope
"You don't seem very enthusiastic" he said
"Sorry, I'm a bit preoccupied"
"Well I have a better idea"
"There's a square dance tomorrow, it'll be here so you probably already know, how bout you and I go together"
"I didn't know, okay let's do it"
"I'll just meet you at the station tomorrow at 7?"
"Okay, let me walk you to the station" I said with the intention of putting the letter in the barrel
"Don't you have to work?"
I glanced around the giant empty saloon and then looked in his eyes and giggled
"Okay okay" he said with a giant smile on his red face looking a little embarrassed.
We walked out together and as we were walking back to the station Whitey asked what was in the envelope .
"It's just some money I saved up"
"Hm, why are you lying?" He said as he smiled and turned around started walking backwards so he could look in my eyes.
"I beg your pardon?"
"Miss, you, are lying"
"What are you talking about Whitey?"
"I can read you like a book" he said smiling and looking down at the ground
"Uh huh, and I know your type"
"Pardon me?" He said looking back up at my face
"The Player" I said smirking and shielding my face from the sun with my hand.
"I'm not" he said holding his chest and pretending  that I hurt his chest.
I looked him in the eyes and for a moment we stared in each other's eyes.
"You need a bath" I said chuckling.
He laughed
" way to change the conversation" he said turning back around and walking again.
" Seriously, it's imperative you get a bath before we all die of odor intoxication"
"What's that?"  He said looking confused
"I have no clue" I answered
He started laughing and smiled at me before rubbing the back of his neck and saying
"Evenin, funny-girl"
"See you Whitey" he smiled and said as he walked off
"I love when you say my name"
I thought that was particularly adorable and then I remembered I couldn't afford to get attached. I walked behind the station and slid the letter into the barrel. As I was turning away I heard a noise, it sounded like a cry of pain and someone saying help blended together to create a terrifying sound coming from a young boy. Behind the sheriff's station there was a area with a fence, an outhouse and a shed in the corner which I guessed contained weapons.
The noise came from the shed. I walked up and the closer I got the louder the cries became, until I heard them as if they were right next to my face. I looked in between the cracks of the building and to my horror discovered the sheriff standing over a young boy.
As to what was going on between them; well you could probably guess. All I will disclose is that it was very clearly not consensual and incredibly disturbing.
I couldn't let it happen, but I couldn't blow the mission either. I ran back to the building and grabbed Whitey, I told him i needed him to walk with me into that trailer and give me a tour urgently.
"Miss, why are you in a rush?" He said as I took his arm and practically pulled him over there
"I just want a tour; please!"
We burst into the room and the sheriff was standing there with the boy sitting in front of him, (fully dressed) and they were "talking". The boy was white as a ghost and there were dried tears on his face.
"Found this little one and I think all these weapons scared him, toughen up boy" as the sheriff said that he patted the boys head, the boy jerked away from him and looked hopeless.  Whitey looked around in disbelief and said
" that true?" Looking down at the terrified boy.
The boy didn't say anything, he just nodded and then ran outside and vomited onto the ground.
Whitey looked at me, I felt as if he was gazing into my soul...he knew. He knew, I knew.
" Soph let's do a tour another time"
"Okay Whitey" I said
Whitey walked out and I looked at the sheriff and walked over the where the knives were. I picked on up and turned to him
" be careful round here, some people can be mighty clumsy" I pretended to almost drop the knife and I tossed it, it plunged into his smallest finger cutting the tip clean of leaving no nail nor cuticle. He yelled out in pain
"I'll put you in jail for that!" He screamed.
"I'm so terribly sorry sir, I'm only a woman, I should have known not to play around with strong men's weapons" I said and walked out of the room.

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