Chapter XI: Do It.

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Warning/disclaimer! This episode contains relatively graphic descriptions of violence. If you get disgusted easily you might want to skip over some parts

"What's going on Sophie?!"  Whitey yelled as gunshots flew throughout the city. I turned the corner and shot with accuracy at the one of the men in black.
"Stay here Whitey!" He grabbed my arm trying to keep me there with him.
"No! You need to tell me what the hell is going on?! I know! I know you're the daughter! I know your Calypso!"

Five hours earlier.

The next week I was constantly communicating with my Mother, we were preparing to take the Sheriff into custody.
The plan was: at some point when he was alone on the weekend Naomi, Georgia, and Bella would kidnap him and take him to my Mom who would take him into custody from there.

I hadn't really spoken to Whitey, although I wanted to. I couldn't help glancing at him every once and a while. It was my last week in La Belle and I accepted that.

I didn't let myself have time to talk to him. I felt like if I did, I wouldn't be able to let go.
Louis had been by my side helping me make sure everything was going smoothly. But that day he spent in Creed looking into a large payment Friedman had put down.

I was standing in the saloon wiping down the counter when I saw Whitey for the first time in a week or so.
He walked into the saloon and sat down.

"Good morning Princess" he said tipping his hat and smiling.

"Morning" I said smiling back at him.

"How are you this fine young mornin?"

"Fantastically phenomenal" I said sarcastically

"Your face looks a lil' better, that eye's not so purple anymore" he said smiling

"Thanks" I said nodding my head

"What do you want to drink?" I asked

"Nothing in particular." He said with that usual goofy grin on his face.

"Then may I ask, why exactly are you in here?" I asked raising my brows

"Tonight, in Creed there is a very kind woman who used to live here and she has invited the whole town to her annual spring has sprung party. Will you accompany me?"

I laughed "I would love to, but, alas,  I can't...I have to work tonight."

"Well then may I propose you quit?" He said grinning as if it was the obvious answer.

"I would but my last pay check comes tomorrow and I would like to be here to collect it."

"Okay, well then, I guess I don't have a reason to go, so I will just stay here with you."

"Are you sure? I don't want you to waste your night"

"On the contrary that would be a night VERY well spent" he said smiling. He was like a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day to me; he just made everything better.

"Okay. How about we get some cards and play some Texas hold'em?" I asked
(For those of you who don't know, that's a form of poker)

"Perfect, I'll be here at 5 this evening?"  He said standing up.


As soon as he left I went into the back.
Cora, Naomi, Bella, and Georgia were sitting back, talking and looking over the notes I had written.

"Guys! The whole town will be in Creed tonight, y'all can wait and before he leaves you to arrest him."

"Everyone?" Naomi asked not looking up from her page in my notes

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