The breakfast I made was scrambled eggs, sausages, and french toast.

All of them agreed
"When did you become a good cook fiona's?" Lip asked me as he eats French toast.

"I learned. Practice makes perfect, I guess." I said

I put a plate in front of carl's, he only eats eggs if they are sunny side up, he calls them his tits. I also put two French toast on his plate

"Thanks Fiona." Carl thanked me as he starts to eat

"No problem kiddo." I commented as I go check the mail, I see the disability check is still here.

Usually frank is always here to get it first. That would mean Steve took Frank to Canada!!

I see Steve coming in. With coffee and donuts. I grab the donuts before anyone got any,

"This would be dessert after breakfast. Eat the food I made then if you're still hungry You can have the donuts." I said as I put the donuts on top of the fridge.

The kids groan and complaining but I ignore them

I walk up to Steve, I give him a kiss then ask "So, you left in the middle of the night, where were you?"

"I had to do a job, some complications came and I didn't come back until now." He tells me causing me to nod

I see the kids talking and eating.

"Frank is missing. Do you know where he is?" I asked him

He shook his head no

"Alright. Hey do you have a cigarette?" I asked him

"Yeah, here." He said as he fishes out the carton out of his pants

He hands me the carton. I see that it is from Canada.

"You lied to me. God, you lied to me." I muttered

"What do you mean?" Steve tried to act confused causing me to scoff

"You took Frank to Canada and left him there. You took him there, you find a way to bring him back." I tell him as I shove the pack of cigarettes back to him

I go sit with the kids and eat, I see Steve leaving.

'God damn it!' I thought


After breakfast,  everyone was doing their own thing. I was almost done cleaning the house. I finished cleaning the bedrooms, and restrooms, I cleaned up the living room, I finished sweeping and mopping, now all I am doing is washing the dishes. And cooking dinner at the same time.

Tonight is chilli beans and hotdogs with fries.

I was almost finished with dinner when, veronica came in.

"You called? What's going on? Sorry I couldn't come any sooner. I was working." She informs me as she sits at the kitchen table

"Steve took Frank to Canada. He is trying to find a way to bring him back." I tell her as I finished making the chilli beans and hotdogs.

"No, really?! Are you guys breaking up? Do you need Kevin's help? You know for him to bring Frank back." Veronica asked

"We aren't broken up, We just had an argument, all couple argue. And yes please, it would make me feel so much better." I tell her as I see her walk over to me

She hugs me and of course I hug her back "Anything for you girl."

"Thanks V." I thanked as we let go of the hug

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