Chapter three

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y/n is your name

y/b/f is your best friend (both are female)

Y/n said earlier that once guests arrived, you and Louis would be off the hook and could do whatever. When the first group arrived, you stayed close to Dylan, Millie, and Louis. The boys were currently trying to coax some Stranger Things spoilers out of her一 even though Louis already knows more of them than he probably should. You're not listening, too busy trying to subtly watch the Irish guy who was laughing at something Harry said.

Eventually, you lose track of him as more people arrive; some more actors, a few models you'd never heard of, and some singers. You suddenly realize you've managed to lose track of Louis. How anyone could lose track of such an energetic person, you have no idea. You wander around somewhat aimlessly trying to find him. You see y/b/f and Tom off to the side talking quietly, Zendaya and one of the models chatting by the fruit, and Millie showing off her dress to one of her friends whose name you just can't remember, but no Louis.

In the end, he finds you. You are enjoying the cheese and crackers y/b/f let you pick out a few weeks ago when someone clears their throat behind you. You turn, expecting it to be someone asking you to move. You open your mouth to apologize, but the words never come. Blue eyes pierce right through you, holding you in place. When he flashes a goofy smile, you feel like you're going to melt into a puddle.

His voice is soft and lilting, "Hi. It's y/n, right?"

It takes you a moment to find your voice, "Yeah, and you're Niall." It was meant to be a question. It wasn't.

He nods and smiles again, "I, uh, like your dress."

"It's a skirt," You correct automatically, then mentally kick yourself. Don't correct the insanely attractive man, y/n, just accept the damn compliment.

But Niall isn't even phased and says, "My bad then." He slips his hands into his pockets and rocks lightly back on his heels before blurting, "Does it have pockets?"


"I just, I've heard girls complain about how dresses and skirts don't have pockets," was it your imagination, or is he blushing? "Then they're always really excited when it has pockets," he finishes.

You don't even bother to hide your smile, "No, unfortunately not." You smooth your hands down your skirt to make your point. "And it's super annoying."

He laughs lightly at that. His eyes move up from where your hands are resting on your skirt, up to your hands, then they follow your arms before landing on your eyes. His gaze is soft as it moves up to trace the curls in your hair. The moment is broken, however, when Louis comes bounding up to you two like a puppy.

"Y/n, what are you doing?"

"Louis, I've been looking for you."

He shakes his head in exasperation, "And I've been looking for you. I wanted to introduce you to someone."

This gets your attention, although you can't help but take a peek at Niall who now only had one hand in his pocket, the other was resting at his side. He is watching you and Louis with an amused expression.

"Who?" You ask, tearing your eyes away from Niall.

Louis blanches at you. "What do you mean 'who?'"

You shake your head, confused.

He gestures wildly at Niall. "Him!"

You blink. What?


Louis swats your arm, "I was going to introduce you two but now you've already met and completely ruined my master plan." If you didn't know any better, you'd say he's pouting.

Niall laughs, "So y/n is the girl you wanted me to meet."

Louis sends him a look that can only be described as well duh. "You're perfect for each otherーeven y/b/f said so."

"Wait," You interrupt, "Y/b/f knew about this?"

"Obviously," Louis says. "She would never let me set you up with anyone without doing an extensive background check."

"A background check? I wonder what she found," Niall jokes.

"I assure you, she was very thorough," Louis says solemnly. Then he perks up, "Soooo, what do you think of each other?"

You freeze, suddenly feeling very put on the spot. "Ummm..."

Niall quickly saves you from answering, "Give us a chance, Louis, we've only just met."

"Alright fine, I'll leave you two lovebirds alone," he backs away with a grin on his face and mutters something about telling Millie.' 

we met at a partyWhere stories live. Discover now