Chapter one

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y/n is your name 

y/b/f is your best friend (both are female) 

y/f/s is your favorite show 

You climb the final flight of stairs to your NYC apartment, which you share with your best friend, y/b/f, with two heavy shopping bags cutting off the circulation in your elbows.

"This had better be worth it," You call as you open the door.

Y/b/f pokes her head around the corner. She is wearing an apron that says Hot stuff coming through. It was a gift from her boyfriend last Spring; you and Louis dared him to buy it as a joke, and for some reason, y/b/f ended up loving it

"Of course it'll be worth it," Y/b/f points her spatula at you. "Are you doubting my culinary skills?"

You drop the bags on the counter by the coffee machine. "I just don't see why I had to go out and buy everything."

"Because you're the best friend ever?"

You stick your tongue out at her after she turns back to the disaster that was once the center island. The bright red mixer is sitting beside an array of spatulas, measuring cups, and ingredients such as chocolate, strawberries, and sugar. Unsurprisingly, everything covers in a light dusting of flour.

"New recipe?"

"Chocolate-strawberry cake," Y/b/f says, "I just put it in the oven." She starts emptying the Star Wars grocery bags onto the counter. "You remembered the oranges right? And the blueberries?"

You roll your eyes, "No, y/b/f, I forgot the fruit you specifically told me to buy and underlined in several different colors."

"Well, I'm just checking after what happened last time."

"Okay, first of all, that was like a year agoー"

"A few months."

"And secondly, it's not my fault you forgot to write down spaghetti."

"I said I was making SPAGHETTI and veggie-meatballs."

"It wasn't on the list, I'm just saying."

Now it's y/b/f's turn to stick out her tongue. "You're the worst. No chocolate cake for you."

Before you could reply, your phone rings. You smirk at the picture of Louis brushing his teeth, his hair sticking up wildly.

"Hey, how are you?" You say.

"Good, I was just helping Millie run lines."

"Ooooh, any spoilers you wanna share?"

"Haha I wish, but alas, I have been sworn to secrecy."

"Tell Louis I say 'hi!'" Y/b/f calls over her shoulder.

Louis hears her and yells back, making you cringe at the sudden increase of volume. "Hey, y/b/f!!" Then he lowers his voice back down to normal and says, "So, you know how you were complaining about how you don't have a boyfriend?"

"Um, no, actually, I don't."

Louis continues like he didn't hear you, "Well, tomorrow we are going to fix it."

Tomorrow; the party. Y/b/f is a private caterer and party planner, which is why your mentor, Zendaya, hired her to throw a small party. Well, you were pretty sure it wasn't small, so much as it wasn't big.

"And what exactly does that mean?"

"You'll see," he says cryptically.

Y/b/f lean over the counter, "What's he saying?" She whisper-shouts. You cover the microphone and whisper back, "Something about getting me a boyfriend tomorrow."

we met at a partyWhere stories live. Discover now