I roll out of bed and sit on its side looking around at her room. It's nice; simple, elegant, with bright white walls and minimalistic white furniture. There are a few photographs on the walls.

I make my way over to them; there are photos of her parents, her friends Cameron and Tallulah, her sister. There's one photo that catches my attention; it's her graduation, and she's in her cap and gown. She has the biggest smile on her face.

She's beautiful.

There's a second door that I hadn't noticed last night. I'm hoping it's a bathroom. I cross the room quickly and enter the en-suite bathroom. There are several fluffy towels on the shelf, and so I decide to take a quick shower.

I look inside her vanity cupboard, in search of a spare toothbrush. I'm not sure she'd want me using hers. I find a packet of toothbrushes and choose a blue one. I quickly brush my teeth and then place the brush next to hers. I grin at the sight, but I'm not quite sure why.

She's still asleep when I return to her room in a towel. I dry myself off and get dressed in my clothes from last night. I haven't heard any noise from the other inhabitants of the flat, so I trek back into the living room, flip the TV on and turn it to the news before making my way over to her kitchen to make us both some breakfast.

Just as I am finishing off a pair of omelettes, someone enters the room.

"Rory? Is that you?" Tallulah turns to face me. Her face is a picture. "You're not Aurora."

I chuckle.


"We've not actually met." Tallulah smiles at me friendlily. "Landon, right?"

Pride swells in my chest at the knowledge that she's talked about me to her friend.

"Yes. It's a pleasure to meet you, Tallulah."

"Don't bother calling me Tallulah," she says with a smirk. "Very few people do. It's usually Lou. The only people who call me Tallulah are Aurora's parents and occasionally Aurora when she's being the dutiful daughter."

I bark out a laugh at her words.

"Do they not take well to nicknames?"

"No!" Lou grins. "Mrs Stone hates them; doesn't stop Lewis calling Aurora Rory though."

"What's all the racket?"

A yawn comes from the open doorway as Cameron walks into the room in just pyjama bottoms. He doesn't even acknowledge my presence, merely makes his way over to the coffee machine.

"Why haven't you made coffee yet, Lou?"

"Because I'm not your bloody slave. Make your own damn coffee."

"Humph," he grumbles as he makes the coffee. When he's finally got a cup full, he notices me and says, "who are you?"

"Landon." I nod my head slightly in greeting.

"Landon? Why is that name so familiar?" He scratches his head.

"Probably because he's the guy that Roo went home with the other night," Tallulah fills him in, and his eyes go wide.

"That's right!" He chuckles, his tired eyes now lighting up. "Nice to meet you. Where is Aurora?"


"Not bloody likely. That girl's usually been up for hours when I wake up. Do you mean to tell me she's not gone for a run this morning?"

I chuckle; it's nice to know I'm screwing up her routine as well as my own.

"I'll have you know, I don't have any classes until this afternoon, so I can go for a run anytime I want," Aurora tells him as she walks into the room. "Besides," she blushes slightly, "I forgot to set the alarm."

She takes a step towards me, kisses me on the cheek, and smiles.

"Did you make breakfast?"

She says it as if it's the sweetest thing in the world.

I guess it is very domestic of me. Shit.

I smile back at her because a huge part of me doesn't care that every single thing I'm doing is against the rules.

"Yeah. I hope you like omelette."

"Do you want to eat on the terrace?" she asks. "Omelette is great."

"Sure," I reply, aware that Cameron and Tallulah are both watching us very closely and although it's not intimidating, it's definitely weird. "It was nice to meet you both."

Lou smiles broadly and gives me a wave as she makes herself a bowl of cereal.

"Do you want to watch cartoons, Cam?"

"Yup," Cameron says with a grin.

We sit at a little table and eat our omelettes in peace, away from her prying friends' eyes.

"This is really good," she tells me. "Thank you."

"You're welcome." I'm pleased she likes it. "What do you have planned for today?"

"I have a class this afternoon, and I need to go shopping. My parents have asked me to attend a charity function for children with disabled parents with them this weekend."

I smile knowingly.

"Yeah, my Mum is dragging me and my brother to that as well."

She returns my smile.

"What about you? What have you got planned for today?"

"Mostly work," I'm still smiling, "and I'm going to see if I can meet my mother for lunch."

"To talk about your dad?" she asks gently.

"Yeah." I frown. "I need to do something. He can't sell the company."

👔 I hope you're loving One Night with A British Billionaire. I'd love to hear what you'd like to happen next.

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