Chapter Nine

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Aurora's POV

Landon drives us into the centre of the city in the Lexus. It is a beautiful morning. The sun is shining, and there is none of that awful city smog that my mother regularly complains about.

I take the opportunity to take in the view.

Although I've lived in London for most of my life, it is still one of my favourite cities. I love the architecture. I love the culture. I even love the underground, much to my parents' irritation.

Landon parks just outside a small opulent brasserie on the side of the river Thames. I didn't even know that this restaurant existed; it is completely new to me, just like everything else Landon has shown me. That catches me off guard. I think I'm still in shock from all the things I've done with this man. My poor brain is still trying to process everything.

"This is one of my favourite restaurants," he tells me with a smile as he leads me into Thorpe's.

"Landon," a gentleman in a suit, rushes forward and envelopes Landon in a bear hug, "good to see you mate. We weren't expecting you until this evening."

He is an attractive man. He looks as if he is about the same age as Landon, with a friendly, approachable face that makes you want to get to know him. His easy familiarity with Landon makes me think they must be good friends. I can't picture Landon allowing just anyone to hug him.

"Well, we fancied some breakfast," Landon replies, pulling me closer as he does.

His friend's eyes narrow at Landon's gesture. It's unexpected. He's confused.

Has he never seen Landon with a girl before?

"Jarrod, this is Aurora. Aurora, meet Jarrod. Jarrod is an old friend. He owns this restaurant as well as several others."

"Part owns," comes a voice from behind us.

I turn to see another man in a suit. Fricking heck; what is with all the men in suits?

Before last night, I barely ever had the privilege of seeing a good suit, unless I was attending a charity function with my mum or meeting my dad for lunch that is. And now, suddenly they are everywhere.

"Meet my business partner, Jack," Jarrod says as he thumps Jack on the back. "Anyway, let's get you both a table. It's a pleasure to meet you, Aurora."

When we are finally left alone, after our orders have been taken, Landon grins at me across the table before asking, "these rules... how many did we break last night?"

"A few."

I blush again. Seriously! What is with this man that has me blushing all the time? And why is he so focused on the rules?

Now that I've broken a few of them, I just want to pretend they never existed but it doesn't look like Landon is going to let me do that.

"Tell me," he presses. "I want to hear you say it."

"Err..." I really don't know how much I want to tell him. "Well, I went home with you. That in itself was against the rules."

"Going home with a stranger?" he asks, completely focused on me.

"Yeah." I nod shyly.

"What else?"

"The lift... What you did in the lift."

I'm not just blushing now; I am probably the colour of a tomato.

"I wanted to do more in the lift," he tells me candidly.

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