Chapter Seven

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Landon's POV

"Normally, women just comment on the colour of the paint or the interior material." I raise an eyebrow. "It's kind of hot that you know about my car."

I glance forward, aware that Henry can hear us.

He's very discreet, but I don't want to give him a show otherwise I'd take her right here in the back of my car. In fact, the idea is so tempting that I think I might have to take her for a private drive sometime.

I catch the thought and frown; that would mean breaking a rule. Never see the same woman twice. I find myself looking for a loophole; perhaps if I spend the day with her tomorrow, it won't count.

I shake my head slightly because that would mean breaking another rule; no sleepovers.

What is she doing to me? I've only spent a few hours with her and yet she's managed to get underneath my skin enough to make me want to break the rules, something I never do.

She's quiet, looking out the window. I wonder if she's nervous. Based on what she's told me, I imagine she's never had a one night stand before. That must be one of those rules that she's so desperate to break.

I want to touch her; take her hand or something, but I know that I won't be satisfied with a simple touch of her hand and I can't do more until we get out of this bloody car and away from poor Henry. I settle for putting my hands in my lap. I will just have to wait.

I watch her as she stares out the window at the city lights.

When Henry opens my door, I guide Aurora out of the car and can't help but admire her. She really is exquisite. Most women begin to look a little rough around the edges after spending an evening in a nightclub. Their makeup rubs off, and they begin to look tired.

Her makeup is beginning to come away but what it's revealing is anything but tired. She looks exhilarated as if she's climbing a mountain and she's about to reach the peak. I imagine she'd look just as beautiful in hiking boots as she does in those heels.

"I'll just park the car, sir. Will you need anything else tonight, Mr Peters?"

I barely glance at him.

"No, thank you, Henry." I have everything I could possibly need right here. Fuck, I want her.

I pull her into the lift; I'm growing impatient.

I want her now.

I kiss her in the elevator; I touch every inch of her skin that I can reach but it's not enough. I want more.

I'm unwilling to waste a second because if I keep my rules, I don't have long. I need to make the most of this while it lasts.

"So, which of your rules are we going to breaktonight?"

👔 Want to read about what happens in the elevator?  I've had to cut some parts of this story to keep things clean... You can read those scenes here >>

I lead her out of the lift when the doors open and I notice that she is focused on one of my Mother's paintings as I lead her through the foyer. I want to tell her about them, but that would be against the rules. I can't resist when I see which one has caught her interest though.

"Beautiful, isn't it? It's my favourite."

"It's incredible. Do you know the artist?" She looks like she wants to reach out and touch it. For some reason, it pleases me that she likes it.

"My mother." I hear the pride in my voice, but I wonder if she will hear it too. "All of them, they are all hers."

I used to love watching my mother paint as a child. She even tried to teach me, but I would always compare my pictures with her masterpieces and be sorely disappointed in them.

Mum wasn't though. She used to cover the fridge, the walls, the doors, any available surface with my pictures. She said they were the most beautiful pieces of art she had ever seen. She told me they were like treasure to her because an artist always puts a bit of their soul into their work and therefore those pictures held a part of me.

It's the same reason my foyer is full of her work; I treasure her soul.

I don't tell Aurora that though. I might have willingly broken a few rules tonight, but that would be too much. I've already told her more than I've ever told any of the girls I've brought home.

It's not that she's the first to comment on the paintings. Others have mentioned them. But she draws the information out of me. She makes me want to share with her, but I have to keep something of myself back.

No matter how many rules I break, this is still only for one night. It might be the best night of our bloody lives, but it will still be just one night.

When we enter my apartment, I give her a few minutes to adjust to it. Most women need a moment or two to get passed the extravagance of the place. They really are like magpies, most of them, craving expensive gifts and shiny pieces of jewellery and when they see my home, they realise that I have the means to give them what they crave.

She makes jokes about just how extravagant it is, and I can't help but laugh. It's nice not to feel like she's seeing pound notes all around her.

"You like it?" I ask, for some reason her opinion matters.

"Yeah." She nods. I'm unconvinced by her answer, but I don't question it. Her opinion shouldn't be important.

I pull her towards the sofa, and offer her a drink, asking if she wants anything, but she shakes her head.

"Only you."

Her answer is pure heaven to my ears.

"Good answer."

I sit and pull her into my lap and kiss her againbecause I don't think I ever want to stop.

👔 Want to read just how sexy Landon and Aurora's one night stand? You can read those scenes here >>

I'm sleepy but I've yet to have my fill, and I'm aware that I don't have much time left before I have to say goodbye to her.

More so than ever before, the rules are there at the back of my head. It's strange because normally there's no thought process that accompanies the rules. It's just an automatic reflex. I don't break the rules; it's just not done.

I roll over so that I'm lying next to her.

"Do you still want to break some rules?" I ask the first thing that comes to my mind because if I'm going to keep my own rules, I have to make the most of what I have right now, and I need an excuse to keep her here in my bed.

It can't last, even though I want it too.

She looks unsure.

"I've already broken quite a few tonight..." and for a second I'm scared she's going to leave, and although I know it is inevitable, the thought is crushing. "What did you have in mind?"

"Have you ever been tied up?" I ask. "I imagine that would definitely be against your parents' rules." Although if I'm honest, I have no idea what sort of rules her parents have imposed upon her.

"Definitely!" She laughs. "My parents are very traditional."

"So, what do you say?" I'm silently praying to whatever god is listening that she doesn't leave.

I wait for her answer, barely breathing. I'm not ready for her to go home.


It's everything; that one word.

👔 I'd love it if you'd vote for this chapter. I'm loving sharing my very first book on a brand new (to me) platform. xoxo

One Night with A British BillionaireOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora