You rolled your eyes and Spencer continued down his list, "Meave?"

"Absolutely not," you quickly cut him off.

"I knew you were going to say that, but it was worth a shot," Spencer said.

"Was it worth a divorce?" you asked, Spencer immediately shook his head and turned pale in the face. You never knew much about Meave because let's be real, Spencer barely knew her either, but you knew he loved her. It was always a touchy spot in your relationship. "Okay moving on, um, Alexandra?"

"I like that one," Spencer said. "Like Alex Blake?"

You nodded, "I knew she was like a mother to you."

"Thank you bunny, I love that one," Spencer smiled. "But again it is my turn, how about Jane?"

"Jane Austen, powerful female writer for her time," You said. "That is definitely a choice in our name game." Spencer smiled, glad he could make you happy and glad you remembered some of the facts he spewed at you.

"Do you like Willow?" you suggested.

"It's alright- wait-," Spencer paused. "No, I am not naming our daughter after a Taylor Swift song."

"Ugh, I was so close," you complained.

Spencer laughed, "Okay last name, Diana?"

"Oh my God," you laughed.

"What?" Spencer asked, embarrassed. "If you don't like it, you don't have to laugh at me, it is my mom's name."

You quickly cut him off, "No, Spencer, I'm not laughing at you. My last pick was also Diana, I just wasn't sure if you would have wanted it to be her name."

"I love it if you do," Spencer said. "Diana Jane Reid?"

"I love it," you smiled. "And I think she does too. DJ, please stop kicking Mommy."

"DJ?" Spencer asked.

"We don't have to use it," you said. "I kind of rolled off the tounge."

"No it's cute," Spencer said. "I'll still call her Diana, but DJ is a very cute nickname."

"Diana Jane is a perfect name," you replied. "Now, boys' names."

Spencer sighed, "Boys names were hard to think of."

"Really?" you asked. "I mean really in history, most men have been credited for being the causes of change even if they didn't do it. I thought a ton would come to you immediately."

"Ever since you watched the documentary about Watson and Crick and the DNA model you have been so obsessed with the fact Rosalind Franklin got none of the credit," Spencer said dramatically. "You aren't wrong, but I wanted something special."

"Can I go first this time?" you asked, Spencer nodded. "Theodore, Theo for short?"

Spencer smiled, "That is a good one, like Teddy Roosevelt?" You nodded. "I have one, but I'm not sure, Owen?"

"Like my shit hole of an ex-boyfriend?" you asked. "What if I picked Tobias? Same dick weeds different fonts."

"Point taken," Spencer began. "Your turn."


"No," Spencer interrupted. "Sorry, but I am not naming my son after British pop star turned actor, Harry Styles."

"Fine," you said annoyed. "Your turn."

Spencer smiled, "I really like this one, Derek."

You smiled back, "Derek is a perfect name."

"So Derek for middle name? What about the first name?" Spencer asked.

"Well since Derek has been influential in both of our lives," you began. "Maybe the first name can be something more laid back, more uncommon and unrelated to us."

"What are your names?" Spencer questioned. "All my names have some sort of meaning to us: Jason and Gideon."

You immediately burst out laughing, "Did you seriously use your old mentors first AND last name as name options for our son?"

"I had to think quickly," Spencer laughed, realizing how genuinely comical the situation was.

After you finally stopped laughing you said your final two names, "Floyd and Dominic."

"Not Floyd," Spencer said disgustedly. "The last Floyd I knew was a cannibal. But I like Dominic. Dominic has religious Latin roots and means 'belonging to the lord.'"

"Dominic Derek Reid?" you said. "Dominic Derek Reid."

"Dominic Derek Reid," Spencer repeated. "Is he moving? Is he having a reaction?"

"I'm not sure," you responded. "Let me try another name I like, Jason Derek Reid."

"Jason Der-" Spencer breathed. "Bunny, you wouldn't."

"I would and I like Jason Derek really likes his name," you smiled.

"Maybe then Diana can stick to Diana and Jason can stay with going by Jason?" Spencer asked.

You giggled, "The nicknames will be too complicated. Diana and Jason are perfect names for them."

Spencer smiled at you, "We can do the final touches later."

You nodded, "Diana Jane Reid and Jason Derek Reid."

"My perfect family," Spencer smiled, giving you a chaste kiss on the lips.

Words: 1147

love dad!spence also this one is lowkey shitty but also cute as hell
srry if you don't like it but i rlly wanted to get out something for you guys bc school is starting back up soon and i wont be able to post as often and i already don't post often

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