"I wanted that too," I whisper.

He breathes in heavily; I think I've surprised him again, much to my excitement.

"We had sex."

"We did." He nods, his eyes lidded as if he's reliving it all again inside his mind. "Was that against the rules?"


"Because I'm a stranger?" he asks, his voice is husky, and I think he's turned on as much as I am.

It amazes me that this handsome man is turned on merely by the thought of sex with me.

"No, because we're not married," I tell him in a rush.

This is possibly the most embarrassing part of my parents' rules. Even though I think their reasoning is archaic, I have done everything I can to honour their wishes.

His eyes dart wide in shock. He really wasn't expecting that.

"Do you mean to tell me... you've never..." He can't finish what he is saying.

"Not until last night."

I shake my head, suddenly feeling incredibly anxious. I can't help but fear that he will laugh at me.

I really don't want him to laugh at me.

I straighten my back; preparing to receive a mockingly cruel joke, but it doesn't come.

"Oh." He looks lost. "I didn't realise. I guess we did break a lot of rules last night..." He gives me a cheeky grin. "And this morning."

I laugh gently.

"Yeah we did." I let out a breath I hadn't realised I was holding in.

"I broke a few rules of my own too," he says as he leans across the table to take my hand.

The easy admission makes me smile. I appreciate the gesture.

"I never let women stay at my apartment and I certainly never take them out for breakfast or let them sleep in my bed."

As I try to work out what he means our food arrives and he lets go of my hand so that he can pick up his cutlery.

We eat in silence. It isn't unpleasant or awkward, but rather quite comfortable. I've never understood the concept of an easy silence.

Usually, I just feel awkward as if I have to make an effort to entertain the other people, to bridge the silence, but this is different.

I don't feel like I have to try with Landon. I can just be.

Landon looks at me seriously as he finishes off his plate of bacon, sausage and eggs – a good old English breakfast. I get the impression he is making a decision.

"I want to continue helping you with your little rule problem."

I'm surprised by his words. Last night, I had gotten the distinct impression he didn't really date, and his next words confirm it.

"I usually don't see the same woman twice, but I want to see you again. Last night was..."

I'm blushing again as I recall exactly what last night was.

"Okay," I answer him. "I'd like to see you again too."

"Good." His grin is electric. "You said something about a list. Can I see it?"

I nod before reaching into my purse and pulling out the almost illegible list that Cam and Lou helped me to write the night before. He glances down at it, a wicked grin on his face.

One Night with A British BillionaireWhere stories live. Discover now