"N-no not yet.." I mumbled.

"Girl, I have an idea. I'll come over for dinner and then we can tell your parents, ok?" Alya asked me.

I nodded and walked home.

I opened the door to the bakery and went upstairs to my room.

"Tikki, I am really telling them today!"

"I am proud of you Marinette!" She said while having a big smile on her face.

{Alya's POV}

After saying bye to Marinette I went for a little walk. An hour later I went to Marinette and opened the door of the bakery.

"Hello mr. Dupain-Cheng!" I said.

"Hello Alya. Marinette is upstairs."

He said and I walked to her room.

"Hello girl!"

"Hey Alya! Thank you so much for helping me telling them!" Marinette said.

"No problem, but.. when will you tell Chat Noir about it?" I asked seriously.

"I think the next time he comes over.." She answered.

"Marinette, Alya dinner is ready!" Marinette's mom yelled.

"C-coming!" Marinette yelled back.

"Let's go girl."

When we went downstairs I saw Marinette getting nervous.

"Don't worry!"

She smiled at me and gave me a hug.

{Marinette's POV}

Before Alya came I had a little talk with Tikki, she was so helpful and helped me so much.

"Come sit down girls." My mom said.

We nodded and I Alya sat next to me. She took my hand and I smiled at her.

"M-maman, P-papa.. I have something to tell you." I said while Alya squeezed my hand.

"You can tell us anything Marinette." They answered truthfully.

"I-I I'm pregnant." I said fast and looked down.

"Y-you are pregnant?" Her dad asked her.

I nodded.

There was silence for a minute and I started crying.

"I-I'm so s-sorry.. Are y-you mad?" I asked my mom and dad.

"No.. I am no mad. Just a bit disappointed in you." Sabine answered.

"But you are almost 18 so I believe you will do the right thing." She said and smiled at her daughter.

"I agree." Her dad said.

"R-really? T-thank you Maman and Papa!" I told them and hugged them.

"How far along are you?" My mom asked.

"3 months."

She nodded.

"Who is the father?" They asked her.

I looked at Alya and she smiled at me.

"It is complicated.. I haven't told him yet.."

They nodded again.

And so that night ended.

A couple hours later after Alya went home and her parents went to sleep, Marinette climbed trough her trap door to her balcony.

"Hey princess."


"What is wrong Mari?" He asked her.

"We have to talk.." I said serious.

He looked a bit scared but then nodded.

"Let' tal.." She got interrupted by a new akumatized villain.

"Stay here princess." Chat Noir said, he extended his staff and went after the villain.

"WAIT CHAT." She yelled after him.

"You have to transform Marinette!" Tikki said.


After I transformed I went after Chat Noir.

"Hello Kitty."

"Hey bugaboo, Shall we do this? He asked me.

"We shall Kitty."


After she figured out what to do with it she asked Chat Noir for help and they followed her plan.

After their plan succeeded they saw the akuma flya away.

"Time to de-evilize!" I said and captured the akuma.

"Bye bye little butterfly I said after releasing the purified butterfly.

"MIRACULOUS LADYBUG" I said while throwing my lucky charm in the air.

Magical little ladybugs repaired all the damage.

"Pound it." Chat Noir and Ladybug said.

beep beep

"Well i better go bye bye bugaboo." He said when he left.

I used my yo-yo to get back home and I detransformed.

"He didn't even listen to what I was going to say!" I said angry while giving Tikki a macaroon.

She nodded and ate her macaroon.

word count: 1025

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