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1 month later:
I'm off my crutches and Jasper is still babying me a bit. I glare at him for not letting me go anywhere and he comes over and hugs me and I say, "I love you so much Jasper but stop babying me. I'm almost healed just some more physical therapy. We work on it every day."

He says with his hot accent, "I love you too, Darlin'. I'll try my best to stop."

I say, "Good. Now, I want this..."

I pull him down and kiss him and I hear whooping in the background. I release my hold on my boyfriend and we look at Emmett. He says, "You're smooth, Little Bear."

I say, "Nah, I know what I want. That damn accent."

Jasper is smirking and looks away and he says, "Sorry, ma'am."

I say, "Shut up."

He chuckles and keeps me close. Carlisle walks inside and asks, "Did you do your physical therapy?"

I say, "Yep. We've done it twice already. I have to do it before bed also. I make him do it with me."

Carlisle smiles and asks, "Have you had anymore sharp pains?"

I say, "Nope. I feel great."

Jasper says, "She's still a little uncomfortable but not much."

I smack his head and Emmett laughs. Rose smacks his head and I laugh. Emmett scowls at me and Rose says, "Your cousin figured it out and she'll be here in a few minutes."

I smell something very appetizing and walk to the kitchen and Alice walks upstairs with Jazz after he kisses my head. Rose and Emmett are making a salad and Esme is making chicken. It smells great. Emmett sees me day dreaming and asks, "What are you thinkin'?"

I say, "Jasper in an apron."

Emmett asks, "With or without clothes?"

I reply, "The latter."

He asks, "How often do you two...?"

I say, "That one time, that's it."

He raises his arms and says, "Sorry. Really?"

I nod and say, "I can't get him out of anything besides his shirt and I can't even undress myself."

Emmett says, "Damn."

Edward says, "I asked them not to do this."

I reply, "But I damn well appreciate it."

Bella comes in and meets everyone besides Alice and Jasper who come inside after Edward pisses off Rosalie. She shattered the salad bowl and Jazz comes over and checks for any cuts and I say, "You'll know if I was cut, Jazz."

Alice says, "You do smell good."

I make a face and Emmett tries not to laugh. Edward says, "I'm going to take you on a tour of the house."

Carlisle says, "That went well."

I burst out in laughter and say, "That was fucking awkward."

Jasper can't contain it either and Emmett joins as well. I say between the giggles, "You might want to clean that up Rosa."

Emmett repeats, "Rosa. I like that."

Rose smiles and says, "It means pink in spanish."

Esme hands me a plate and Alice tells me, "You are wearing navy blue to prom."

I say, "Hell no. I don't want to go."

Alice screams, "What!"

Jasper asks softly, "Why not?"

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