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I drive home with a smile on my face and my mom, Kristy sees this and asks, "Who placed that smile there, Sweetheart?"

I say, "I have a boyfriend."

My mom is so excited and my dad, Blake storms in and says, "What, now?"

Mom says, "SHE has A BOYFRIEND, honey. Who is it?"

I say, "It's Jasper Hale. Rosalie's twin brother."

She asks, "Is he the blonde one or the big buff one?"

I smile and say, "The blonde one. The big buff one is Emmett Rose's boyfriend."

She asks, "Don't you think it's a little weird?"

I reply, "No. They aren't related and they can make their own decisions."

My dad asks, "When am I meeting Jasper?"

I ask, "Tomorrow?"

My dad nods. My mom asks, "Is that his sweatshirt?"

I nod and she says, "It smells good."

I smile and say, "I know right? That's why I took it from him."

She laughs and says, "Dinner's ready. Grilled chicken with rice and corn."

I smile and we all head to the dining room and eat. My mom asks, "How are you liking the new school?"

I smile and say, "I really like it and the rain. The Cullens are my friends and I have a few outside of them. I really like my classes and Jasper is in most of them as my partner. You get more time to ask the teachers questions as the school is a lot smaller. Mr. Molina is taking us on a field trip to greenhouse with the juniors in the spring."

She says, "That sounds like fun."

I smile and say, "It does."

We all finish eating and I go to finish my homework and get changed. I put on some shorts and a tank top. Jasper comes into my room and I relax a bit as I finish up and put everything away. I get up and he pulls me back to him and he says, "Baby, this might be pushing that boundary."

I shrug and say, "You are in my bedroom, Jazzy."

I feel his cold hands run up my legs and encircle my waist and he says, "Definitely pushing it."

He kisses my neck softly and I turn around in his arms and he leans down and kisses me softly. I ask him randomly, "How tall are you?"

He states, "6'3"."

I say, "You are over a foot taller than me."

Jazz chuckles and picks me up and I smile. He asks, "Am I meeting your father tomorrow?"

I nod and say, "Is Rose coming too?"

Jasper chuckles and says, "Mhmm."

I ask, "Did you come in here often while I slept?"

Jasper replies, "You are a drug that I can't get enough of, Darlin'. I would stay outside most nights."

I nod and run my fingers through his hair and tug on it and he lets out a little groan and I kiss him softly. He walks over to my bed and lays down on it and I straddle his waist and he moves me to lay on him and breaks our kiss. He says, "Go to sleep."

My head is in his neck as I fall asleep.

I slowly wake up to feeling hands tracing my back and soft kisses on my neck and I see Jasper looking at me with his golden eyes. He says huskily, "Good morning Darlin'."

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