Entry Two - 4 new friends

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Saturday September 6th

I think I just met my four new best friends. They aren’t new to Rosewood day or anything- I’m pretty sure that they have been going there all their lives. But they are new to me. The types of girls I wouldn’t talk to… until today

It was mid-morning when I first saw them from upstairs window. A girl with red- blonde hair and strong swimmers shoulders crouched by my mom’s tomato plants. I wanted to warn her not to get to close – my mom loves those plants. The girl looked really nervous, like she was breaking some kind of major law. Come to think of it, trespassing is a crime isn’t it?

Then I spotted another girl with pink stripes and blue-black hair ducking behind the big oak tree that had been struck by lightning. Pink Stripe’s eyes darted back and forth, as she picked at an invisible stain on her weird lederhosen-style skirt. Not far away a chubby girl with a round face and lifeless brown hair crept toward the fence. She tugged at the waistband of her jeans, as if the fabric was cutting uncomfortably into her pudgy stomach. Finally, I saw my neighbour Spencer, sneaking over my property line. The only reason I was sure of Spencers name and not the others’ was because of Spencers older sister, Melissa yells it loudly all the frickin’ time- in their backyard and in their driveway.

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