Untitled Part 1

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NOTE:           1.  Ria's conversations in Italic font

                          2. Nick's conversation in bold font.......


I  get up from the couch,

it's high time

I make some dinner.

walking towards the kitchen,

I put the music on.

Good music fills in so much of energy in you, you feel you can do multi tasking.


don't try it..

its just a saying..

new wisdom dawned on me

that's me - Ria.

Re-wind music has a  great playlist....

Uptown funk..........Mark Ronson.🎼

fills the room....great music.

 OK..Listen..What shall I make to nite.

Anything light


Anything Light.....

I never heard about this dish, I don't know the ingredients to it.

Don't worry may be one day I will teach you how to cook it, right now busy with some office work.

Yea.. I know Mr.President continue with it. I think I will knead some flour n make some sizzling, golden brown pranthaas.


Music n dance moves on good numbers....n of course hands playing with water n flour,  lost in my own imagination.    I feel hand movements on my body.

Wah! Ria... what an imagination...too good gal....you can create wonders..imagining moments.

No..no...wait this is for real...not my imagination. Two soft hands carcassing my body n a soft blow on my neck. Your fragrance...

You finished with your work so soon...how come...what excuse did you build up.. Stop playing n control your hands.

look at her......you should feel proud your hubby is helping you with kitchen chores.

is it really...this way how are you helping me out.

look at the kneaded flour, how soft it is..it's coz i m helping you in it...soft just like you.i have put in all my love in it.

Sir ji...if we just keep on kneading the flour...i will serve dinner to you on breakfast table....go finish your office work, I don't want you to carry it to our bedroom n keep lights on till late nite.

Omg!what's you gonna do with lights off so early..I m so scared. N you blow that hot air on my neck again

Stop it Nick...I m telling you...won't spare you if I m free from here..

really....for that my love you need to hold me first...

you hug me from behind n lock my hands at the back n place a sweet kiss on my cheeks...another kiss on another side of the face  ...you were about to kiss me on my lips....

your phone rings. You walk away to receive the call.

hey..listen..where are you going...finish the moment...hey..hey you.

gonna be right back...n complete my half left mission...

only if boss would allow me to do so...

such a wrong timing for an official call..


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