Chapter II:Home

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Two heavy thumps on their door sounded,making the mother and son jump a bit in their seat.

They stilled for a while,and Severus glanced at his mother in confusion when his mother grabbed hold of his wrist to stop him from heading to the front door to open it,as he had stood up from his seat.

Eileen placed a finger to her lips,and formed words without a sound--

*Wait.Do not make any sound and wait for the signal.*

The third year Slytherin furrowed his brows further in confusion:despite not knowing what his mother meant,he obeyed and sat down quietly.

After those two dull thumps on the door sounded and a moment has passed,it was followed by a rapid series of small taps on the door.

The ravenet could only assume that it was the signal that his mother was waiting for.

...And much to the surprise of the boy,his mother let go of his hand and slipped an indigo ring in her finger--after she did that,out came one of the most beautiful,odd looking flames that Severus had ever seen.

Actually,it looked like a flame,but at the same time it didn't seem to be like one.

His mother smiled at him at that,as if pleased to see such an honest reaction from him.

Severus didn't realize that he had gasped then and had held his breath in amazement,until his lungs hurt and felt like it was burning for lack of air.

But it seems that after his mother did that odd action of releasing some sort of flame,it was also a signal to the others outside to come in.


The door opened noisily as it slowly swung on its hinges and a couple of people stepped forward.

The first to enter the room was a silveret with hair as long as his and was in the formal muggle suit that business men usually wore:actually,it looked a lot more expensive and fancy.

He sharply glanced around the surroundings before placing a hand to...something in his ear and speaking lowly:then his eyes settled over to his mother and him.

Honestly,Severus didn't want to be intimidated by such a man,but he felt himself flinch at his neutral gaze.

Then the man huffed,murmered to the thing in his ear again,before nodding at the two Snapes(well,former Snapes) and left through the doorway.

Severus was about to breathe a sigh of relief as he unknowingly held his breath again,but he remembered that his real father was still yet to show up and meet them,and immediately he stood stiffly again.

"Relax, need not be tense,for he is a kind and honest man. He is coming." She murmed,placing a hand on his forearm.

Severus was about to protest about her being too trusting,when in came the most dazzlingly charismatic looking man that he had ever seen.

He had gravity-defying(Did he use magic to sustain it?It looked soft though...)chocolate brown hair,warm and kind sunset-orange eyes that seemed to be instinctively looking through his soul--as if he knew everything about him and thus,still accepted his entire being--and had the warmest and relaxing presence that he had ever encountered.

He wore a pinstripe suit,a black cloak that looked really valuable--and probably expensive and sort of has an ancient feel to it--and dress shoes.

There was a very unique two-piece ring(s) on his right was larger and was in the middle of his finger,while the other was an simpler band on his pinky and where attached together by a small chain.

Half-Blood Prince's True HeritageOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora