Legends and lore galore

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The twins were at the public library looking for books on Camelot and Arthurian legends. "I think this must be it." Jake got hold of a book called A Yankee in King Arthur's Court. "You're pretty close but were looking for one on the Knights of the Round Table and more on King Arthur." Mavis said taking hold of the book for later reading. They soon find some books on the Arthurian legends and found a good space to read and immerse themselves in Medieval times with King Arthur and this Knights letting their imaginations take flight in the stories they read.

They spent the entire day reading almost every legend and tale of this king until the setting sun shone on a page Jake had his face plastered from napping for what seemed to be 45 minutes and Mavis rubs the sleep out of her eyes putting down one book she finished reading. "Jake," she shook him by the shoulder startling him from his nap. "I didn't drool on the books this time." He almost shouted but kept his voice down knowing he and his sister are in a library.

"I'm closing up, you kids better head home before the street lights turn on." Said a soft voice belonging to a middle aged woman wearing thick glasses, a ruby red cardigan covering a white blouse and a long pocketed black circle skirt.

"Sorry, Mrs. Kinsleigh I guess we lost track of time reading." She quietly chuckled picking up the books they had read. "It's okay and at least "Sleeping Beauty" here didn't drool on the book covers like the last time." She said looking at the boy twin who turned redder than the librarian's cardigan. "It was one time."

"Anyway, we'll get out of your hair." The girl twin said taking her brother's hand leaving the library and making their way back to their home apartment building before it got completely dark outside.

Once at home, the twins were greeted by their parents. "How was the library?" Their mother asked. "It was cool, Jake didn't drool on any books." Mavis told her making her brother feel even more embarrassed. "Again it was one time! One!" Their dad was laughing at the TV watching Monty Python and the Holy Grail. "They don't do comedy like this anymore."
"True and, we're gonna be traveling." Their mom tells them making her two children have stars in their eyes.

Mavis and Jake's Epic Adventures: The Quest for King ArthurWhere stories live. Discover now